Chapter 16 - Memories

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A/N:  The words in the image come from Keith Urban's song, "Making Memories of Us."  It has to be one of the best love songs ever.  If you haven't heard it, just google.  The lyrics are amazing.  Of course, I don't own any rights to the lyrics or song.

A coffee smell and an unfamiliar bed.  As I stirred and began to wake, I remembered where I was.  Smiling, I felt the other side of the bed and realized it was empty.  Opening my eyes, Logan was standing over me with that fabulous smile and fully dressed.

"Good morning, Ace.  Are you going to work today?"

Logan bent down, kissed my forehead and offered me a cup of coffee.  "Logan, what time is it?," I asked sitting up in the bed.

"It's seven-thirty."

"Oh, why are you leaving so early?"

"This is actually later than normal for me.  I  always get an early start, Ace.  What time do you want me to send Frank for you?"

Getting up and taking my coffee, I gave Logan a kiss on the cheek.  "Thank you for the coffee.  Uh, what time---when---where are we going?"

"Ace, to take you to your office this morning."

Drinking my coffee and finally waking up a little, I said, "oh, uh, yeah.  Okay, how about 8:30."

"Alright, I've got to go.  By the way, you look very sexy all rumpled.  I love waking up with you in my bed.  Have a great day, sweetie."  He winked, patted my butt and swept out the door.

I sat in the dining area drinking my coffee and let me eyes roam to take in all the personal things Logan had added to the company apartment.  Admiring the beautiful painting in the entrance just said so much to me about him.  The collage of Yale photos, especially Branford College in the bedroom took me back to our first days of falling love.  And, the smell, ooohh, the smell of Logan was everywhere.


The day flew by and before I knew it, it was nearing 5 o'clock.  I was trying to complete an article when the noise outside my office became eerily quiet.  Natalie buzzed my phone.  "Yes, Natalie," I answered distractedly.

"Uh, Rory, a Mr. Logan Huntzberger is here to see you," she said.

"Send him in."  I quickly reached for a mirror to see if I looked half way presentable.  Logan came through the door carrying a single red rose.

Bouncing up from my chair, I hurried to meet him.  "Thank you, Natalie.  That will be all."  I quickly closed my door, and as Logan offered me the rose he pulled me to him ravishing me with a kiss.

"I have been thinking about you all afternoon and I couldn't wait another minute to see you," he whispered in my ear.

"Damn, Logan, you do leave me breathless."

"Good," he said, still holding me close.  "Can you leave? I have a surprise for you."

"Just give me a few minutes.  I've got to get this one piece finished--you know--deadlines."

"Sure, I'll  just sit here and be as quiet as a mouse."  Logan took a seat and looked around Rory's office.  There was a photo of her mom and Luke, one of Emily and Richard on the credenza behind her desk, a collection of photos on the wall of what must be Lane's children, the gazebo in Stars Hollow, and the Yale campus.

He studied Rory as she worked.  She still got into that almost trance like state when she was concentrating on her writing.  What had always drawn him to Rory was more than just her beauty and their obvious sexual chemistry, but her inquisitive mind, her desire to push herself beyond the ordinary and the mysterious air that was so alluring.  Something stirred so deep inside him that he knew he would not be able to wait long to ask Rory to marry him again.

"Whew, okay, I'm done."  Looking up, she caught Logan with a far off expression and a smile on his face.  "Logan, are you ready to go?"

"You bet, Ace."

I grabbed my coat and the rose from my desk.  As we left my office, lots of eyes were watching us, but I didn't notice.  With my arm in Logan's, I smiled at him, saying, "so, I just love surprises.  Give me a hint about what it is."

"Oh, no--no hints.  Then it wouldn't be a surprise.  I will say, though, that we almost did this once before."  

I plan to publish another chapter later today.  Logan and his surprises.  What's he up to now?  Thanks for reading, voting and your comments.  

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