Chapter 35 - Crazy Love

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I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
And when I come to her that's where I belong
I'm running to her like a river's song

She give me love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, crazy love

And when I'm returning from so far away
She gives me some sweet lovin' brightening up my day
Yes it makes me righteous, yes it makes me feel whole
Yes it makes me mellow down into my soul

She give me love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, crazy love

A/N:   This update took sometime to get right.  It's a long one. I hope you like it.  Thanks for waiting.  I chose this title from the song by Van Morrison.  I believe these words describe  how Logan would feel about Rory.  The beautiful voice of Michael Buble makes this song a good love song. 

As Rory returned to the office the next day, Natalie wanted to know all about my trip. I gave her a few details about the research and the gala event I went to with Logan.

"So, did you get to spend a lot of time with Logan?," Natalie asked.

"Yes, I did," I answered smiling at her.

"Are you going to tell me all about it?"

"No, Natalie. You'll have to use your imagination. I think we need to get to work now."

I had three days of emails to catch up on and a lot of writing to put into my article. Just before lunch Mr. Cox stuck his head into my office.

"Rory, you got a few minutes."

"Yeah, come on in. What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to talk about the assignment in London and how you did at the gala event."

"I'll have a part of my article written up by tomorrow for you to review. The research went well and I have a lot of material to get me started. There were a number of people at the gala that I made contact with that should be helpful to the magazine. I'd like to make at least one more trip to get inside the mansion and we'll need photographs. All-in-all it was a very productive few days."

"That sounds good Gilmore. I look forward to reading what you can put together tomorrow. I'll make a decision about a return trip to London after I read your work."

"Thank you, Mr. Cox."

When I returned from lunch, there was a long, white box on my desk. Untying the gold bow, I knew what was inside. A beautiful long-stem red rose with a card that read, "You're MY goddess of love. White sandy beaches await." xox L

Picking it up to smell, I smiled and got my phone. Logan answered on the first ring.

"Hi, Ace."

"You never disappoint."

"I hope not. What are you talking about?"

"The beautiful red rose, of course. You love to send reminders, don't you?"

"I thought all the ladies loved getting flowers. Am I wrong?"

"Oh, I love getting them, especially from you. Are you still at work, Huntzberger?"

"Yeah, sweetie. Since I didn't have you here to distract me, I thought I'd put in some extra time to catch up and get ahead of some things, too. How is your day?"

"Well, first, you need to call it a day and get your cute little butt home. I'm having a busy day catching up and I've got to get cracking on a piece of my story for Mr. Cox to review tomorrow. So, it's probably going to be a late night for me, too."

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