Chapter 10 - Falling Again

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I woke up and felt Logan's arm resting on my side.  I breathed in his scent and rolled over to watch as he stirred and woke up.  He stretched his body and slid his hand up my back and pulled me close.  He kissed my forehead and then kissed my eyes and finally my mouth.  I smiled, he opened his eyes and he gave me that beautiful, sexy smile of his.

He rolled on his back, pulled me to him squeezing my butt and said, "Good morning, Ace."

"Good morning, Logan," I said as I ran my leg up and down his legs.

"Hmm, you feel good waking up next to me, Ace."

"Yeah, I know Logan.  You feel good, too."

Logan propped himself up on one arm, looked down at me and started twirling my hair with his fingers.  His forehead creased and I knew something was on his mind.

"Listen, Ace, there's something I need to talk to you about.  I believe we need to upfront and honest with each other.  I don't want you to be surprised if you see anything in the papers with me and another woman."

I started to pull away to get up and Logan stopped me with his hand and said, "let me explain, please."

"Logan, why didn't you tell me you were involved with someone?'

"I'm not involved with anyone.  Just listen, okay?  My mom and dad have been on my case to get married and produce an heir.  You know how Shira is with her social status crap.  She and my dad set me up with this French heiress, Yvette, and they have been pushing me hard to move forward with her.  I had almost resigned myself to the fact that she and I could be married even though we are just friends.  Yvette and I have been seen together a few times just to take the pressure off.  Then, you walked back into my life yesterday and I have hope that I won't have to marry someone that's just a friend."

"Logan, I stammered with misty eyes, I don't think I have much to say about this.  Let me go."  I tried to squirm away from his hold.  He stopped me.

"No, I won't let you go.  I want you to come to London.  There's this charity fundraiser gala in January and I want you by my side."

"Really, Logan, you want me to come to London?  So, I'm just suppose to drop everything and run over to London to attend some damn fancy party with you."

"Wait, let me back up.  I have to leave this afternoon to go back to London, but I'll be back for Christmas.  If you'll be in Stars Hollow for Christmas, can we start dating again?  What do you say, Ace?  Come on, let me take you out--please."

I hesitated and closed my eyes trying to calm my emotions.  Dare I trust Logan again?  

"Ace, you remember the day I told you, 'you climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived'.  I can promise you this, I don't want to live one more minute without you in my life.  Nobody else, Ace, nobody else, but you.  I meant what I said last night when I told you I love you--I've never stopped loving you."

I looked in his eyes and could see from the expression on his face that he meant what he was saying to me.  Squeezing his hand, I said, "Logan, are you sure it's not just sexual?  You and I have always had that powerful chemistry.  We have fallen back into bed with each other like we've only been apart two weeks."

"It's not just sexual for me, Ace.  Did you mean what you said last night to me?  That you love me?"

"Yes, Logan.  You are my one true love.  I knew it all those years ago in college."

"Well, Ace, what do you say?," he asked holding my gaze with those mischievous, chocolate brown eyes that I adored.

"You are such a charmer.  I never could resist that smirk of a smile of yours.  I better not regret this, Logan.  Okay, I'll jump with you one more time because who doesn't want to get in the trenches with George Plimpton, Ernie Pyle, all those others and the one and only Logan Huntzberger.  I'll come to London and have some dates at Christmas," I said smiling with a quick kiss on his lips.

Logan grabbed me and rolled back and forth with me kissing my face all over.  "I promise you won't regret it, Ace," he said kissing my mouth and the kiss deepened.  We made slow, sweet love caressing each other over.


Later that day we were standing at my apartment door with Logan kissing me one more time and saying, "damn, I don't want to leave."

"Yeah, I don't want you to go either, but you have to.  Go, get.  Call me when you get home, okay?"

He kissed me one more time and ran down the steps to get in the limo.  Frank waved as he stood  by the door to let Logan get in.  "So good to see you again, Miss Gilmore."

I smiled back saying, "take good care of him, Frank."  And he was gone.

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