Chapter 38 - Making Plans

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On Monday afternoon Logan and I looked at several apartments. They were all nice with plenty of room and luxury amenities, but we both felt they just weren't right.

"So, Ace, what about a house?"

"But a house would put us in a long commute, won't it?"

"Well, what about something near Greenwich? We would be about an hour commute to the city and an hour from family. What do you say? You want to take a look there?"

"Mmm, let me think about it. Let's do some research first."

"You want to do a pro/con list, Ace?"

"Logan, don't mock my pro/con lists. They work for me," I smiled at him as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, I know, baby. We'll find something that's just right for both of us."

"Listen, Ace, I hate to bring this up but tomorrow night is the family celebration for my birthday. I'd like you to come with me and give them the news of our engagement."

"Oh, god, Logan. Do I have, too?"

"Well, you don't have to, but I sure would like for you to come."

"Yes, I'll be there to support you, Logan. Let's get it over with."

Logan pulled me to him and gave me a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Thank you, Ace."

"We are in this together you know," I told him with a smile.

After dinner Logan and I talked about a date for our wedding and where we might want to have a reception. Looking at a calendar we chose two different dates—September 26 or October 3. We wanted to tour different venues to get the feel of the place.

"You know, Logan, I don't want an over-the-top reception with a lot of business people we don't know. Will you stick by me on that?"

"Yes, sweetie. We can probably keep the reception under 200. How's that?"

"Even less would be better," I told him as I made my way over to him on the sofa. Pushing the papers out of his hand I began kissing him.

"It's time for you to put work behind you for today, Huntzberger."

Taking my face in his hands he gave me that sexy smirk of his. "Is that right, Ace?," he whispered as he brought his mouth to mine for a full-on very passionate kiss. At the same time he was running his hand down my side to caress my ass. I stretched my arms around his neck and matched his kiss with one of my own. We continued to makeout. Moaning, Logan rubbed my nipples with his thumb while putting his leg up to brace my back. "You know we do have a bed, Ace,"he whispered in my ear.

"But this is so much fun, isn't it ? Kind of like when we were in college and all those nights in the pool house," I chuckled in his mouth.

"We had a bed in the pool house, too, and made some pretty incredible memories there." Winking down at me as he stood with his hand held out, he said, "come on, Ace, take me to bed."

"Aah, now that's an invitation I can't turn down." So I put my hand in his and we made our way to the bedroom.

Logan undressed me slowly taking his time in removing each piece of clothing. Standing by the bed completely naked he pushed the hair off my neck and gave me several whisper like kisses. "Your body is even more beautiful than our college days, Ace. You have so much more confidence in your sexuality."

I began unbuttoning Logan's shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. "Oh, I think you may have had something to do with giving me some of that confidence," I said kissing his neck and lifting one leg upon the bed.

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