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Four months passed since then.It was now May 25.All visits to see Hermione were canceled as she'd gotten worse.Of course the Daily Prophet found out she used to be Hermione Granger And also found out about her condition.Reporters kept coming in back and forth,trying to get a glimpse.

Most of the school now knew and had to get used to her not being around.Tracey was gonna be back soon and it was the worst feeling ever. McGonagall agreed to banning Tracey from the Slytherin commen room except the hours between 8 in the morning and 8 in the afternoon.

Hermione was still at St Mungo's and hadn't gotten out of her coma. Well,that's what the doctors thought.That morning, the nurse that was taking care of Hermione was sitting in a chair when Hermione made her first movement in Four months.Her finger twitched.The nurse sat up straight. Her finger twitched once more. Hermione groaned. The nurse stood up. "Ms.Gaunt?" The nurse said.Hermione's hand started feeling it's way to the edge of the bed.She grabbed it and her eyes slowly opened.The nurse rushed to the door,calling for a few doctors.

They quickly put Hermione through all the needed tests.It took all day. In the end,they took Hermione back to her room.They tried to see if she could speak.She attempted it but nothing happened. "It's normal to lose your voice"The doctor assured her. Hermione Nodded. "We have to get you to do a few exercises tomorrow.Just to see if you can walk,read,write and then we'll try to get your voice back.We'll give you a potion in the morning that will help.All you need to do is relax"He told her.Hermione Nodded once more. The doctor left the room. "If you need anything press this button"one of the nurses said as she pointed to a large red button on the table.


McGonagall was notified that Hermione had woken up from her coma but was asked to keep it quiet in case something went wrong. Even though McGonagall was quite busy with being head mistress,Transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor,She noticed that most of the 8th years acted different now.Draco Malfoy began to act out, Ginny Weasley was more emotional, Harry Potter was less social, Ron Weasley began to yell at anyone in his way.They suspected it was because of Hermione's absence. She had to take 10 points away from Slytherin when she caught Draco almost hexing a student and 20 away when she saw Ron sneaking out of Gryffindor tower after curfew.

She hoped Hermione would return as she had too began to act different along with the other professors. They all would look for Hermione's raised arm when they asked a question.They had two Quidditch matches and The last one would be Ravenclaw against Gryffindor. McGonagall also realized the Gryffindor team was getting depressed as most of them were friends with Hermione.She once went to the library and Heard the Gryffindors talking about how Hermione could die.She suspected that their worry for the Slytherin princess caused them to fall behind on Quidditch practices,classes, and homework.They stopped eating as much too.She just hoped that Hermione would return soon as it would help most of her students.

Hermione went through a few tests.The potion that she drank helped her.Her voice was back but quiet. "That's a start"Her Doctor Told Her. "Doctor"Hermione Said in Her soar voice. "Did you notify anyone that I woke up"She Asked. "Only The headmistress Of Hogwarts.You're Parents Are to be notified later,we wanted to make sure everything went well"Her Doctor Said.Hermione Nodded.She was able to read and write but She had to hang on to the wall to walk.Nothing in her body had lost function and they told her she'd be able to go back to Hogwarts in two weeks, which gave her a week of freedom at Hogwarts before her exams.She asked them to have McGonagall send her work and they agreed.

The next day Hermione was working on her work when She heard a knock on her door.She looked up and saw Her Mother and Father.They Came in And hugged her. "They told us about your voice and everything Dear"Her Mother Said. "We're taking you to the island next week and a nurse will come with us just in case."Her Father said.Hermione Nodded. "Where are Hannah and Henry?"She Asked,her voice cracking. "They're at home but don't worry,Hannah had her baby,it's a boy and she named his James.Your nephew and brother are growing up fast."Her Mother Said.

Her parents stayed with her,filling her in on what happened the past 4 months.After about 5 hours,They Heard a knock.Hannah was at the door. "Mother,Father, I want a word with Hermione"She Smiled.Her Parents Left And Hannah hugged Hermione. "Oh,I've missed you so much"Hannah said as Hermione hugged her back. "How's James?"Hermione asked. "He's already two months old"Hannah told her. "Now enough about me,how are you doing?"She Asked. "I've been better"Hermione Smiled. "Is It about Draco?"Hannah asked. Hermione stared at her sister in shock. "Draco contacted me,trying to find a way to win you back and no I didn't tell anyone"Hannah assured her. "He talked to you?"Hermione Asked. "He really does like you Hermione.Your friend Ginny Weasley also started contacting me 3 months ago,asking about you"She Added.

Hermione Smiled. "I talked with Draco a few hours before I went into a coma" She Said. "What happened?"Hannah asked. "I told him I'd forgive him but we'd keep that dating thing away for a bit"Hermione explained. "It's been four months Hermione, and all his letters were about you, how's she doing, did she wake up yet, I don't know if I can live without her Hannah"Hannah said. Hermione let out a low laugh. "I know he broke your trust Hermione but you should give him a chance.I've only talked to him by letters and know he's going through hell without you"Hannah said. Hermione didn't know what to think as she looked down at her wrist.She let out a gasp as she saw the bracelets from Draco and his mother still on her wrist. "I can still talk to him"She muttered. "I think you should hold back"Hannah said. "You might give the boy a heart attack,maybe next week when you're back home"She told her sister.

Hermione Nodded. "Henry might come in the next few days with Arianna and his kids but I doubt mother would let him as the kids could get sick from the hospital"Hannah said.Hermione Smiled.Hannah left a few minutes later so Hermione could finish her work.

Draco sat in the Great hall for dinner that evening with Blaise,Theo And Trent. "So you have no idea where the girls are?"Draco Asked. "They're gone."Theo Said. "Have you bothered checking the library?"Pansy Asked as her and the girls walked to the table. "What do you expect Pans, the last time they were at the library was 3 months ago"Astoria Said as they sat down. "Even then we didn't even spend half an hour"Blaise scoffed. "Move!"They Heard someone snap from behind them.They turned just intime to see a few Gryffindor first years run out of the hall.

"Weasel has become more emotional then you girls on your period"Draco said and the girls Glared at him.

"He's not lying"Theo muttered under his breath.

"Both Weasleys have changed,half our grade has changed"Blaise Said. "Ever since-"

"Since Gaunt Left,ya"Draco Said.The rest Glared at Blaise as Draco looked down at his food. "I Think I'll go get started on my work"He said before leaving. "What was the point of that! You know he's hurting over her!"Daphne snapped. "We better hope she gets better soon, I can't stand seeing him like that"Astoria Said with a shake of her head.

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