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The month of September Came out an end and Homework began to pile.Hermione worked on her essay in her room,in her quiet beautiful room.She heard a light thud and looked up.There was a letter on her table.She Put Her quill down and went to grab it.Before she did however, 2 more appeared.She grabbed them and looked for the names.One was from Mrs.Weasley, to her surprise,  and one was from.... She didn't belive it.The third letter was from Harry.He hadn't talked to her since she'd Came back.She opened it quickly to see what he had written.


I'm sorry I've been avoiding you lately but it's hard trying to process that your in Slytherin and that your a Gaunt.Ron hasn't been helpful either.He keeps talking about how you back stabbed every Gryffindor in existence by going to the opposite house.I really miss you Hermione.A Hogsmead Trip is coming up in a week, the 25th I'm sure, and I was thinking You, me and Ginny could go get some butter beer if you're free.Ginny misses you as well And we understand why you're hanging out with the Slytherins.You need Friends from your own house.Send back your letter,


Hermione Smiled down at the letter.Maybe There was a chance that they would become friends again.She next opened Mrs.Weasley's letter, expecting something like "how could you be A Slytherin" but she was wrong.

Hello Dear,

Ginny has told me that you've returned back to Hogwarts! I've been worried about you ever since I got a letter that you haven't returned.Ginny has also Told me that you've been sorted into Slytherin and that you've changed but she hasn't told me how.We all miss you dear, and hope to see you during the Christmas holidays.

You're truely,

Molly Weasley

Hermione Smiled as she closed the letter.She Put both Of the letters in a drawer and went back to her work.Essay after Essay, She finally finished her work for the day and put away her bag.It was a beautiful cold Sunday Morning,2 weeks into October,the 17th. The sun shined bright through Hermiones window, which was enchanted to have a natural view.

She got up and out her bag in her closet.She looked around her room,looking for something out of place.She didn't see Nagini at the end of her bed and knew she was probably getting food. Hermione grabbed a pink sleeveless Pinafore Dress And a Black and white striped T-shirt and went to the bathroom to change.

 Hermione grabbed a pink sleeveless Pinafore Dress And a Black and white striped T-shirt and went to the bathroom to change

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She brushed her teeth and curled her hair.She Left the bathroom and out on her shoes,having been walking in socks the whole time.She grabbed her bag,making sure she had her wand and things with her,before leaving her room.Astoria And Pansy were the only ones in the commen room. She sat in a  chair near them. "Where is everyone"Hermione Asked. "Sneaking out to Hogsmead"Pansy replied. "Your Friends better bring back Food"Hermione Said as she felt her stomach growl.The two girls laughed. "We always tell them to get food when they come back" Astoria Said. "And aren't they your friends too?"Pansy Asked. Hermione stared at her. "You two are the only ones who don't treat me like I'm trash"She Said. "The boys are nice to you"Astoira Said.Hermione raised her eyebrows at her. 

"Are you mental? They treat me as if I don't exist" She Said. "That's the nicest they get"Pansy Said.Hemione Rolled her eyes. "But they are getting used to you being around"Astoria Said. "Draco isn't being as rude,Blaise And Theo are actually talking to you"She explained. "What about Davis and Bulstrode"Hermione Asked. "You just want people to hate you don't you"Pansy Asked as she narrowed her eyes at her. "We don't care what Millicent And Tracey think,they're competing against crabbe and Goyle on the 'who's stupider award'"She Added as she air quoted who's stupider award. "You're fitting right in with us, most of us have good looks,which you have, most of us have attitude,Which you also have And you're on good terms with the best Slytherins yet"Pansy Said. "Slytherins could complement,I never knew"Hermione Said with a small smile.Pansy Rolled her eyes.

The girls talked till the commen refilled with students.Blaise,Theo And Draco were last to enter.They each had two bags with them. "Woke up have you?"Draco Said as he threw one of the bags at her. "I've been studying actually"She Said as she opened the bag.It was a bagle with some bottled butter beer. "Some things never change"Blaise Said with a roll of his eyes. Hermione scoffed. "Anything new happen?"Pansy Asked the boys. "Someone's been arrested" Theo Said as he chucked the daily prophet at her. Her and Astoria looked it over before handing it to Hermione. "Do you know him?"Astoria Asked Her.Hermione Saw the name.Mundungus Fletcher. "better now then never"Hermione scowled as she threw the paper on the table. "He's been robbing every place he could even during the war"She Said. There was a silence. That's when the wall to the commen room opened. Tracey And Millicent walked in with Slughorn trailing behind them. "I have caught notice that some of you have decided to sneak off to Hogsmead without permission"He said. "I could be cruel and take 5 points away from every student here-".The Slytherins All glanced at each other. "-but I'm not that cruel,so 5 points away from Slytherin for sneaking around without permission."He said and turned to look at Tracey and Millicent. "Detention for 2 weeks starting Monday afternoon at 7"He told them and left.

Once the wall closed, most of the Slytherins Hissed at them. "Was there a point in getting captured you fools!"Draco sneered at them. The Slytherins shouted their agreements.Tracey Glared At all of them except Draco. "Well if someone had kept the passage opened"She snapped then looked at Hermione. "You were the last one weren't you gaunt"She sneered. Hermione opened Her mouth to speak but Pansy interrupted. "She was here the entire time Tracey,and unlike yourself,she hasn't lost Slytherin any points"Pansy snapped. "And you know that the Slytherin passage way is always opened to Slytherins but you decided to get yourself caught" Astoria Said. "Why are you defending her! A mudblood"Tracey Yelled. Hermione raised her hand and Tracey's voice was gone.She tried to talk but no sound Came out. Hermione lowered her hand. "If I was a mudblood Davis, why would the sorting hat put me in Slytherin?"She Asked. Tracey Glared At Her And Hermione took away the silent charm. "Weren't you a Gryffindork? Explain that"Tracey snapped. "At the time, the hat was sorting Hermione Granger, not Gaunt" Hermione replied.

Tracey let out a shout of frustration and stormed off to her room with Millicent. "Did someone pay you to watch?"Blaise sneered at the Slytherins staring at them.They Looked away and started chatting. "Why does she act like that?"Hermione Asked them. "Some things remain a mystery"Astoria shook her head. "Where'd you guys go?"Pansy Asked the boys. "Three broomsticks, a few Quidditch shops, ran into a few Gryffindorks actually"Theo Said And turned to Hermione. "Caught Potter And That Weasley chick having a go at each other and the weasel looking at brooms"He said. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Looks at stuff he can't afford"Hermione Said. "Best part, that Lavender girl had to pay for his butter beer"Blaise laughed. They had a small laugh.They spent the rest of the afternoon talking before going to dinner.

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