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A week has passed and Tracey had all the information she needed.Draco went to sleep around 10-11 on School days but 12-1 on weekdays. He woke up 9am sharp every day so she didn't have to worry.She noted that the time he is alone is when he's the last to leave his dorm in the morning. It was a Friday Afternoon now and Tracey was ready to fulfill her plan.The boys had changed out of their robes as they had a free period.She'd already gaven some to Lavender so she was ready.Tracey watched from the corner as the boys Came down. "Where's Draco?" Hermione Asked. "He's showering"Trent said.Tracey Smirked.She sneaked up the stairs and into the boys dormitory.Draco was still in the shower so she put the Love potion into his water glass.The water turned pink before going back to clear.She hid under one of the boys beds and waited.After about twenty minutes he Came out.He was dressed and went to get his cup of water.Tracey's smirk grew.She Saw Draco take a sip.He shuddered.He made his bed,that took a minute which was enough time for the potion to settle in.Tracey crawled out from under the bed. "Hey Drakie"Tracey Said with a soft smile.She walked up to him slowly and cupped his face. She brought him down to her height and kissed him.After a second,he kissed her back as he wrapped his arms around her.Tracey Smirked into the kiss,this was going as planned.

Hermione went to check on Draco as he's been gone for almost half an hour.The door was open but she froze at the sight.Infront of her was Draco Malfoy,Her boyfriend, snogging Tracey Davis. Her vision blurred with Tears.They'd only been together for a month and he'd cheated on her.She slammed the door shut,causing the two to look up, and Hermione walked down the stairs.Her tears were rolling down. Astoria Saw Her and stood up. "What's wrong"Astoria Asked. Everyone seemed to notice as well. "I'm leaving, don't bother trying to look for me"Hermione Said as her bedroom door opened and a bag flew out.It slammed shut as Hermione walked out of the commen room.Blaise,Theo And Pansy got up and went to the boys dorm.They opened the door and saw the two still going at it. Blaise and Theo narrowed their eyes at them and closed the door. "We need to find Hermione"Blaise Said.The other two Nodded. "I'll go with Astoria And Daphne to find her,You two find out what's going on with them" Pansy Said. They went down and told in whispers to the rest of their group what happened.

Hermione went to the first place she could think of;Gryffindor tower.She found a few first years at the entrance and when they saw her,They all glanced At Eachother. "One Of you get me Ginny"She Said as she wiped her tears.They all went inside and Ginny cane out a few seconds later. She was grinning but her face fell as Hermione through her arms around her. "Hermione, What's wrong?"Ginny Asked as she hugged her friend gently.Hermione broke down in more tears. "I think I'll sleep in your dorm tonight"She muttered.Ginny nodded and led Her into the commen room. They all went silent when they saw Hermione and not a sound was made as they realized she was crying. "I'll meet you up there soon"Ginny told her and Hermione went up the stairs to The dorm. "Ginny what happened to her?"Ron Asked as he stood up. "I don't know but she wants to spend the night here"Ginny said.

Lavender sat in the corner.Was this how she'd make Luna feel if she put Ron under a love potion?She changed her mind.She didn't want the Potions anymore.She had to get rid of them quickly.She went up to her dorm and grabbed the Potions.She opened the window and chucked them out.She didn't need to put Luna under that stress.All the girl Did was be nice.She couldn't hurt her or Ron.

Hermione sat on the window ledge,crying her eyes out. "Why"She mutter as she stared out the window.She wiped her tears away,glaring at the forest. "I should have never trusted him"She muttered.The door opened and Ginny walked in. "I'm sorry for coming all of a sudden Gin" Hermione shook her head. "Don't talk nonsense,what happened?"Ginny Asked. "I shouldn't have trusted him at all Ginny"Hermione cried as she brought her hands up to pull at her hair. "Trusted who?"Ginny Asked as she sat on her bed and rubbed her back. "Malfoy!"Hermione Yelled as She pulled her hair. Ginny stood up. "What happened"Ginny Asked. Hermione stared at her friend. "He cheated on me Ginny"She whimpered.Ginny froze.She pulled Hermione into a hug after a few seconds. "Where is he Hermione?"Ginny Asked. "He's in the Slytherin commen room"Hermione replied. "I'll deal with him later.Do you mind me telling Harry and Ron?"Ginny Asked. "I'll tell them myself"Hermione Said. "I'll tell them when I'm ready"She Said.Ginny nodded and left the room as Hermione duplicated the beds.

Astoria,Pansy And Daphne returned an hour later. "We couldn't find her"Astoria shook her head. "I don't understand how Draco could do that"Pansy Said. "We tried to pull them apart but Draco told us that he liked Tracey and not Hermione"Trent said. "They were fine this morning"Daphne said. "We'll see Hermione tomorrow morning and we'll try to talk to her"Blaise Said. "I'm sure Tracey Had something to do with this"Theo Said. "You don't think She put him under a love potion?"Daphne Said. "I mean,Draco does change his mind on girls all the time"Blaise Said. "But he's never cheated"Astoria Said. They were all questioning their knowledge of Draco now. "Well the three of us have to sleep on the couches since him and Tracey won't be coming apart soon" Trent said.The Girls said goodnight and went to their dorm as the boys got comfortable on the couches. None of them were really able to sleep, thinking about what Draco had done and about how Hermione would be feeling.It wasn't a great thought.

Ginny went down to the commen room and Harry and Ron rushed over To her. "Is She Okay?" They Asked. "She's going to tell you guys tomorrow,Keep an eye on her,don't let her leave the commen room"Ginny said. "I'm gonna get her a bit of food and I'll be back"She Said before leaving the commen room.She went down to the hospital wing and asked for a sleeping draught. She knew Hermione was hurt and probably wouldn't sleep.She went back and saw Hermione on the bed staring at the wall. "Hermione, I got you a sleeping draught"Ginny Said as she placed the Potion on the table. "There was no need"Hermione shook her head. "Hermione I know you're upset but you have to sleep.You need energy"Ginny Said as she held Hermione's hand. Hermione looked at her,shaking her head slowly as tears began to form in her eyes. "I've been cheated on twice Ginny,am I really that bad?"She Asked.Ginny pulled her friend into a hug. "Ron was a brat to cheat on you and Malfoy is an insufferable idiotic ferret"Ginny Said. "You don't need them"She Said.Hermione took the sleeping draught and Drank It. "Thank you Ginny" Hermione muttered. She slid under the covers and closed her eyes as she fell asleep.

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