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They entered the Great hall and sat down.Hermione took a gulp of water but didn't eat anything else.They mainly talked for a bit before McGonagall stood up. "Hmm"She said loudly and the voices died down. "I have good news for Halloween"She said and everyone sat up straight. "For 5th years and under,there will be a feast and a scavenger hunt"Minerva Said. "6th years and above, there will be a Halloween ball starting at 7 in the afternoon.The Hogsmead trip next week may be used for shopping for dress robes"She told them. "You May continue"McGonagall Said And sat down. "I didn't realize she was there"Hermione Said. "Me neither"Pansy Said. "Are you going?"Astoria Asked them. Most of the group nodded. "What about you Gaunt?"Astoria Asked. Hermione shrugged. Her transformation was coming soon and she didn't know wither she'd be in the right state to go. "Well you have to make your mind"Pansy Said. "Why?"Hermione Asked. "Some Ravenclaws, a few Hufflepuffs and a bit more Gryffindors are staring your way"Pansy Said. "I doubt the Gryffindors would ask a Slytherin"Hermione Said with a roll of her eyes. "Well you were in Gryffindor and they've known you for awhile"Blaise Said. "I'm not saying yes to anyone till I make my mind if I'm going"Hermione Said. "Why won't you go?"Pansy Asked. "A bit busy this month"Hermione Said.She didn't feel comfortable telling anyone about the transformation. "Don't tell me your going to study?"Draco Said as he gaped at her. "Maybe"She shrugged. "Some thing she never changed"Astoria Said with a shake of her head. "I never said I was"Hermione Said with a roll of her eyes.

 "I'm gonna go sleep,I'll you guys tomorrow"She Said a few minuets later as she got up. "You didn't eat"Theo Said. "I'm Not hungry"Hermione Said. "Then why do you come to dinner?"Draco Asked. "I didn't feel like sitting in the commen room for 5 hours"She Said. "Bye"She Added as She began to walk.

Ginny watched as Hermione Left the Slytherin table. She looked at Her Brother. "Why bother her peace,she's actually enjoying life"Ginny said. "I'm gonna ask her to the dance, not kill her"Ron Said with a roll of his eyes.He got up and followed.Harry sighed. "Give me your cloak invisibility Harry" Ginny said. "What"Harry Said, startled. "I know you have your cloak, give it"She Said. "Don't lose it"He said after a bit and took it out of his pocket.She looked around and made sure no one was looking before throwing the cloak over herself. She went after her brother and heard his voice. "Hermione! Hermione!"She Heard him call.She turned the corridor and saw Hermione glare at Ron. "What do you want Weasley"Hermione snapped.Ron was taken aback by the way she said his name. "I-I"He stuttered. "Don't waste my time"She Rolled her eyes and began to walk off again. He swallowed nervously before speaking Again. "Wait Hermione! Would you like to go to the Ball with me?"He yelled after her.She froze and turned around to look at him. "After everything you've done, you expect me to go to the ball with you?"She snapped. "You have a girlfriend and decide to ask me, You disgust me Weasley"She Said And turned on her heel and walked away.

Ron stared after her and stormed away.Ginny smiled at herself. She felt bad for her brother but Hermione deserved better.Ginny went into a deserted corridor and took off the cloak.She stuffed it in her pocket and went back to the Great hall.She sat down beside her boyfriend and gave it back it him. "Thanks" She Said as she picked up her glass. "Did something happen?"Harry Asked. "Nope"Ginny shook her head.

Hermione went to her room and locked the door. She saw Nagini on the bed, sleeping. She sat down on the edge of her bed and put her hands over her face. "Why does he exist"Hermione muttered to herself. "He asks me to the Ball when he broke up with me For Lavender Brown"She Added. "Mistress,The Weasley boy isss Jealouss"Nagini Hissed as She raised its small head. Hermione Smiled At Her Snake. "Sometimes I feel as though you aren't a snake Nagini" She Said.Nagini lowered its head Back on the bed and closed its eyes.Hermione got up and went to her closet.She grabbed the diary her brother had given her for her Birthday and opened it.


Started: September 12,1998

Ended: September 19,1998

That's all she'd written in it.How was she supposed to know when her transformation would be? As she put her diary back in her closet,she saw the gaunt book on the side.She grabbed it and flipped through it till she was on the chapter about transformations. She looked through it and didn't find anything useful but that it gets worse every month.She lied down on her bed after she changed into her pyjamas, her mind racing with thoughts. 

It'll be my first Ball, but my transformation is coming up and it's gonna be worse then the last. And all the work I'll Miss! People are definitely gonna notice my absence and it may be more then 4 days. I can't tell anyone, it'll just be embarrassing trying to explain it! I might just as well leave the school. The teachers already know that I'm gonna be missing a few days but what if it lasts more then a few days? My appearance will definitely change and it's gonna be even harder to explain!

Her thoughts didn't stop when she fell asleep.She imagine herself trapped in her bed and unable to move for days.Then the looks people would give her after the few days are done. Then she imagined people accusing her of using a beauty charm when she looked different.She woke up with a start and looked at her alarm. 


She got up and went to the bathroom.She turned on the shower and started undressing.She took a long 3 hour shower and when she finished she put on her outfit for the day.A Flounce Sleeve Floral Dress.

She straightened her hair and put on her white shoes

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She straightened her hair and put on her white shoes.She left her bathroom and looked at the time. 


She grabbed her bag and left the room.To her surprise,it was deserted.She Looked Back into her room at the clock. It was 7.She furrowed her brows.She was Sure she'd seen 8.She shook her head and locked the door.She wasn't gonna spend the morning alone in the great hall so she sat in the commen room.She felt oddly calm for some reason. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes.She opened them a few minuets later when she heard footsteps.She sat up straight and looked behind her.Draco was walking over to her in his usual black suit.He sat down on the couch near her And stared at her. "What?"Hermione Said After a couple seconds of silence.  "Nothing"He muttered as he looked away at the fire.Hermione looked away as well as she put a loose strand of hair behind her ear.They sat in silence for bit before they heard more footsteps.Most of Slytherin had woken up.

There was a loud gasp and they looked to where the sound had come from.It Was Tracey. "What are you doing with Draco!"She Yelled.Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Sitting?"She Said. "Sitting? Sitting! You get away from him right now mudblood!"Tracey Yelled.Hermione Rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "I Said get away from him!"Tracey screamed. "I'm not near him Davis"Hermione snapped. "And you better watch that big mouth of yours"She Added. Tracey glared at her and was about to say something else before Pansy spoke up. "Quit It Tracey"Pansy snapped.She looked at Hermione and Astoria Who was beside her. "Let's go"She said.Hermione got up and walked out of the commen room with the two girls.

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