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"Both dumbledore And I knew you were There,you know we did"He said. "And that led you to trust that I had some good in my Manor,you can't deny that you trusted me"He said. "I trusted you as little as I trusted my chances of surviving"She Said hesitantly. "That night was better not remembering"She Added. "But you can't deny that you trusted me Gaunt"He said.He was standing infront of her now as she leaned against the wall. "No,I can't,but you trusted me as much, you trusted me with your father's wand when I didn't tell Harry what happened. He didn't hear what happened between you and dumbledore,And dumbledore made sure of that."She Said. "Even though it was something small, Dumbledore wanted to keep your little secret safe,but he didn't stop me from listening, he wanted me to listen"She Said.Draco gulped nervously. "Is there something you'd like to tell me Malfoy?"She Asked. Draco opened his mouth to speak but the door opened.Draco backed away to see who had entered. "DRAKIE!"Tracey's voice rang through the commen room. The boys Came in After. "Sorry mate,We tried"Trent said. "Well you clearly didn't try hard enough"Draco scowled. "She's the one who's hard to control" Theo Said. "Drakie I have so much to tell you-" "Davis help us make a fire"Theo Said. "We can go to my room for a bit or privacy"Hermione muttered to him. Draco nodded and looked at Blaise who also Nodded. "Tracey,show us your dress and we'll see if it's acceptable for Draco"Blaise Said.When Tracey turned away,Hermione and Draco slipped into Hermione's room.

Hermione closed the door and turned to see Draco admiring the room. "This is all yours?"He asked.She nodded. "So you wanted to say something?"She Asked. "Oh,um- ya"He said and turned to face her. "You were the only one who's seen me at my down point and it's not something I do often.What I'm trying to say is,"Draco Said. "you know me better then even Blaise And Pansy, and we've been enemies for awhile.I haven't expressed myself to anyone and I just thought who else to go out with then the one who knows me best"He said. "Would you like to go the dance with me?"

Hermione stared at him for a few seconds before taking everything in.Then suddenly,she remembered the vase.It matched everything about Draco.

I will be there for you,I will protect you,I will love you
You will find me once you see me alone with you
You will feel the love I have for you
even if you don't know who I am
I love you forever and always
Come find me

She had definitely felt something off about him ever since she'd Came back.She Smiled At him. "Sure"She Said.He walked up to her till they were inches apart. Both of them felt as if they couldn't resist one another.Draco,being first to act,took a few steps closer towards her till she had her back pressed against the wall.Hermione lost her breath as He closed the distance between them as he pressed his lips on to hers.She'd definitely been surprised but recovered as she kissed back,wrapping her arm around his neck.Draco wrapped his arm around her waist,pulling her closer against him.After a few seconds,they pulled apart. Unable to belive what had been done, Hermione turned her head away from him. "I knew you couldn't resist me long enough"She Heard Draco say.She turned back to him and saw him smirking at her. "Your the one who kissed me and you still haven't let go of me,Malfoy"She Said.He Rolled his eyes and removed his arm. "Your the one who kissed back"He said. "Did the rest know about this?"She Asked After a quiet moment. "Only Trent,Blaise And Theo"He said. "We'll just keep this a little secret, and you might as well tell the boys I rejected you"She Said and patted him on the shoulder. "I've never been rejected"Draco Said. "I doubt that's true"She Said as she walked backwards to her bed. He rolled his eyes at her. "I'm gonna go to sleep so leave"She Said. "And don't tell anyone about what just happened"She Added.He smirked and walked over to her. "I'll keep your little secret Gaunt"He said before lightly pressing his lips onto hers. This felt weird and Exciting for both of them.He smirked into the kiss as he wrapped his arm around her. "I'll see you tomorrow"He said when they pulled apart.

He left the room and it was empty.Well until he got a surprise attack from Trent,Blaise And Theo. "You've been in there for more then 10 minuets"Trent Said with a suspicious look at Draco. "I didn't harm the girl so calm down"Draco Said. "You usually say I didn't touch the girl"Blaise Said. Draco shrugged and sat down. "No way"Theo Said. "What?"Blaise Asked. "They did something"Theo Said as he sat down across from Draco. "You two kissed didn't you?"Trent asked. Their worried looks turned into smirks. "Drakie had a kissie!"Blaise Said as he danced his way to the couch. Draco rolled his eyes. "Don't tell Anyone"Draco Said. "Why!"Theo Asked. "Keep your mouth shut till the dance will you"Draco snapped. "Anyways, did the girls come back?"He asked. The entrance opened and the girls entered,along with Tracey. "We convinced her to go looking for them"Trent muttered to Draco. "We're Back Drakie-poo"Tracey Said. "Enough with the nicknames Davis, I'm going to sleep"Draco Said. "Aren't we gonna stay up?" Pansy Asked. "Just see our dresses first"Astoria Said.Draco Rolled his eyes and sat down. "Well I want to go first"Tracey Said as she placed down her bag.She grabbed a dress and went up to her dorm to change.

"Where's Gaunt?"Astoria Asked, "You didn't kill her did you?"She asked quickly. "No,she went to sleep"Draco Said. "There's something off about her,have you realized that at the end of every month she gets sick, and doesn't leave her room for a week?"Daphne Said.They stayed quiet as they thought about it. "And it seems like only the people in the school know she was Granger, even the daily prophet has been writing about her.They know her as Mystery women"She Added.This thought kept them thinking till Tracey Came Back.She was wearing a Green Lace Off-Shoulder Elegant Midi Dress.

She was wearing a Green Lace Off-Shoulder Elegant Midi Dress

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"Don't you like it Drakie!"Tracey Asked as she spun along. Draco leaned into the couch and closed his eyes. "Next person"He said.Tracey stopping spinning and pouted at Draco.The Girls went upstairs to Change as the boys talked.

Hermione watched her door close and ran a hand through her hair.She'd just kissed Draco Malfoy,Her childhood enemy. She had to tell someone. Ginny.She quickly wrote a letter and looked around for Nagini. "Nagini,can you take this to Ginny Weasley and don't give it to anyone but her"Hermione Said.Nagini slithered away from her bed and Took the letter with its tail. Nagini disappeared with a pop.

Ginny sat in the commen room with Harry and Ron infront of the fire. "It's our first Christmas together"Ginny muttered to Harry.He held her hand in his. "You guys are nasty"Ron Said with a roll of his eyes.They heard a faint pop and then screaming. The three stood up,Wands at the ready. They saw a snake. It Hissed And slithered towards them.Nagini raised its tail to show the letter.Harry went to grab it but nearly got bit.Ginny raised her hand and the snake let her take the letter. The snake disappeared with a pop.Ginny opened the letter.

Meet me infront of the room of requirements at 10


Ginny hid the letter from her brother and Boyfriend. "Who's it from?"Harry Asked. "Someone"She Said And ran to the staircase.She went to her dorm and changed out of her Pyjamas into Jeans and a red jumper.She checked the time.9:50.Ginny went back down the stairs. "Ginny,where are you going"Harry Asked. "I'm seeing a friend,I'll be back before Midnight"She told him and jumped out of the portrait hole.She made her way to the room of requirements and waited for Hermione to come.

Hermione Left Her room and saw only the boys. "Are they not back yet?"Hermione Asked. "They're upstairs"Trent said. "Good, I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back before midnight"She Said And Left the commen room.

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