Chapter 25: Fight For Your Mind

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[trigger warning: mature content ahead; allusions to su*cide, abuse, panic attacks, etc]

A loud gasp escaped Harry's lips as he found himself lying on the hard ground, unbeknownst to his surroundings. He felt cold and he could see his breath in the air as he exhaled. His mind was still foggy, not knowing where he was or how he had gotten there. The last thing he remembered was being strapped to a gurney and being injected with something Doctor Hyde described as a hallucinogen. That's exactly what all of this was, Harry thought. A hallucination. But of what? He slowly stood his ground and tried to put a pin on his location despite the room being too dark to see. Eventually, however, the room cleared and he quickly recognized the cabin as the one in the Jolly Roger. It looked different, though, almost haunted. Through the porthole, he could see the night sky being brightly illuminated by the crescent moon, the ship being rocked back and forth by the lulling of the waves. As a kid, he had always dreamt of falling asleep in his father's pirate ship, which explained why he slept in a hammock. Now, without anyone to keep him company, the atmosphere felt almost nightmarish.

Harry was soon startled by the sound of someone banging their hands on something. He thought he heard it come from the cabin down the corridor, which as soon as he shifted his gaze towards it, was suddenly illuminated by a single lantern. He made his way towards the doorway slowly but surely, his heart racing but his head focused on expecting the unexpected. Once he peeked his head inside the room, his eyes widened at the sight of his father sitting in his favorite chair, puffing out rings of smoke from his cigar. Harry's breath hitched but he regained his composure and revealed his presence to his father.

 Harry's breath hitched but he regained his composure and revealed his presence to his father

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"Father?" Harry asked, swallowing his nerves as hard as he could.

"Aye, the family disappointment returns," Hook slurred his words, his eyes narrowing to get a good look at his son. "What brings ye home after all this time?"

"This was never our home," said Harry. "Then again, none of this real, anyways."

"Not real?" The captain chuckled to himself. "Is that yer way of coping with the disastrous state of yer life? Denying yer reality? By the seas, ye're even more pathetic than I realized."

"If I'm pathetic, it's only because of how ye raised me, or should I say not raised me," said Harry, slowly approaching his father. "All ye ever did was climb inside of a bottle every time the going got rough. The sad part was that despite everything, I still looked up to ye as the greatest villain alive. All I ever wanted was to be like ye."

"Well, it's safe to say not only have ye disappointed me, but ye've also disappointed yerself," said Captain Hook. "Ye're nothing but an aberration to our family name, a stain that won't come off no matter how hard we try to wash ourselves of ye. Ye couldn't even win the Lost Revenge on yer own, ye couldn't keep from embarrassing yerself by walking on a runway wearing ridiculous rags, and above everything else, ye made friends with my mortal enemy, that stinkin', lousy kid. Thinking back now, ye deserved more beatings than the ones I gave ye. Perhaps they might've straightened ye out and made ye more like yer sisters."

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