Chapter 9: Perfect Storm

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A few days had passed since the pirate and the princess professed their love for each other. A big storm was approaching Auradon, bringing in heavy rainfalls and strong winds. Everyone had been urged to stay inside, for the storm would pass overnight and could cause significant damage. Evie had asked Harry to come over to help her put up the storm shutters and help fortify her home. The storm was arriving and it was already pouring even though it hadn't completely gotten dark outside yet.

"I guess I'm gonna have to stay the night here," Harry said as he got down from a ladder after securing the last storm shutter. "Ye can't possibly send me out now."

"You're seriously going to leave Uma alone? I don't need you here, Harry. You should go accompany her," the princess insisted, unloading a box of water bottles.

"Ye're right. Are ye sure ye'll be okay?"

"I'll be fine. As long as I stay inside, nothing's going to happen," she smiled as he approached her.

"What do we call this now?" He said as he stroked her cheek. "Am I yer boyfriend now?"

"I don't think we're there just yet," she smirked. "Ask me again after you've taken me out on dates."

"Dates? That wasn't part of the agreement!" The pirate joked, pecking Evie's lips with small kisses as they laughed in between.

"Dating is part of the agreement!" She laughed, shoving Harry's face away and making her way back to the kitchen. "It's starting to darken outside. You should go now if you want to make it back to your apartment before the storm truly hits."

"When are ye telling Doug?" The pirate blurted out, causing the princess to freeze. "It's been two days, princess. I'm not gonna fully take this in until ye tell him."

"Harry, I broke up with him. You don't need to feel bad. I don't," she said.

"No, ye said ye'd take a break. That's entirely different," he continued. "I'll know ye truly chose me when ye tell him."

"I did choose you, Harry," she scoffed. "I'll tell Doug as soon as the storm passes. You don't have to worry."

"Good," he said.

"Good," she said back.

The two stayed in awkward silence. Harry dug his hands in his leather pants and balanced himself on the soles of his feet while Evie squinted her eyes at him, wondering when he was going to leave.



"Go!" She ordered, walking out the kitchen and shoving him towards the door.

"Hey! Alright, alright! I'm going!" He flung his arm away, scurrying along the foyer. "Ye don't have to be so annoying."

Before any of them could open the door, a car pulled into Evie's driveway as its headlights shone through the glass panes along the entrance to the castle.

"Are ye expecting someone?" Harry asked curiously as Evie began looking through the windows.

"Oh, no," she mumbled, causing Harry to approach the window as well and take a look. She immediately pushed him back. "It's Doug. He's here."

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