Chapter 14: Defying Gravity

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"Ye're not serious," Harry mumbled in disbelief. "Ye can't be serious."

"I am," Evie said with a wide smile. "You'll be surprised to find out that it isn't so hard to go to Neverland anymore. It turns out, it's now an island off the coast of Auradon up north."

"So we don't have to fly there?" Harry asked.

"We don't," she said, "but I know it hasn't only been your dream to go to Neverland. You've always wanted to fly there, and that's what we're going to do."

"Last time I checked, magic ain't all that on this side of the bridge," Harry frowned.

"We won't be using any spells," she smirked. She grabbed a pouch from her purse which was tightly sealed with a pink ribbon. "I pleaded Fairy Godmother if she could find some pixie dust for us and she happily obliged. She's good friends with the fairies from Pixie Hollow." She handed the pouch to Harry as his curious eyes grew bigger. "There's enough dust in there for a round trip. Fairy Godmother also decided it was best to put a directional enchantment on it in case you got tired of steering the wheel, but that's between her and us."

Harry looked up at Evie and couldn't formulate any words. His eyeliner began to drip to which Evie quickly drew her handkerchief to his cheek to wipe the droplet. He then pulled her into a hug for all that she had done for him.

"I don't know how I'll ever thank ye," he said into her ear.

"You won't ever have to," she said as she embraced him. "Enough talking!" She exclaimed as she pulled away. "Neverland awaits!"

Harry laughed in a childlike manner and followed Evie up to the crow's nest. She struggled to climb up but Harry made sure to hold her in case she slipped. Once there, she poured pixie dust onto both their hands. The gold flakes shone in the sunlight and fell lightly on their palms. Harry giggled as the dust touched his skin, recalling all the dreams where he would finally discover what it felt like to have pixie dust in his hand. Evie was careful to pour just the right amount for the first trip, putting the measuring skills she had gained in chemistry class to good use.

"Now what?" Harry said as she set aside the pouch.

"You know what to say," she smiled.

Harry nodded with a gleam in his eyes. He extended his arm over the crow's nest and Evie did the same. They both shared a look before looking down on the ship.

"All ye need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust!" He yelled before releasing the sparkling dust along with his princess. The pixie dust fell on the ship and when it touched the wooden planks, the ship began to turn gold until it was completed covered and it glimmered ever so brightly. Within seconds, the pair felt as the ship it rose from the water slowly but surely. They climbed down and peered over the edge to see the water cascading from the ship's bottom. The ship creaked as it became weightless just as Harry had imagined it would. The wind grew stronger as they got higher with the ship no longer touching the sea's surface.

"You better grab that wheel or I'm going to," Evie pointed out as the ship began to wobble.

Harry ran to the helm and gripped the wheel tightly. For years he had dreamed of commandeering his father's ship. He felt a surge of energy once his fingers found their way around the wooden handles as if he could suddenly feel every crook and every cranny of the ship. He became ecstatic and began turning the ship north towards Neverland.

"Whenever you take your hands off the wheel, the directional enchantment is going to kick in, sort of like auto-pilot," Evie said as she climbed the stairs up to the helm.

"That'll come in handy," he said as he stabilized the ship. "How long until we make landfall?"

"We'll be in Neverland tomorrow morning if we keep our current pace," she said as she looked over the edge down below. She shivered and quickly distanced herself.

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