Chapter 27: New Neighbors (Princess' Side)

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“Mom, I’m home!” I call out.

I enter the house and hear different voices --one of a young girl and another of a girl who sounds like my age.

“Bye Andy!” the younger girl waves as she is rushing out of our door.

As she is running away, the girl that is the same age as me runs after her.

“Sidney, don’t run to the street! Wait for me!” she shouts while trying to get a hold of the girl’s hand.

When she finally does, Sidney stops and hugs her.

“I’m sorry Katie! I was just so excited that we finally had a new friend in the neighborhood.” Sidney says in her cutest voice.

Then they finally notice my presence.

“Hi.” Katie greets.

She has brownish black hair and big dark brown eyes. She is pretty though it isn’t that much. She looks like a shy and timid person.

Yet, there is something about her.

I smile and greet her back.

“Katie, right? Hi!” I tell her, hoping to be friendly.

I discover that she is our new neighbor. They came over to play with Andy. They moved here because of her dad’s new project. She and her sister haven’t enrolled in any school yet. But they would be attending one next week.

She kindly invites me over but I decline. I am too tired.

Before I retreat inside, she asks me a very confusing question.

“Would you be a cast of the play, Elisa? I’ll be looking forward to watching you.” She tells me.

I nod. How does she know about that? I must be famous.

“You happen to know Vince, right?” she adds.

I nod some more.



Optional: Real life tidbit

In real life, Katie is my best friend, tugsdear. She’s so awesome that most of my characters has her personality in it.

Archenemies (Improved)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon