𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Sebastian wakes up the next morning in a soft bed, warm and with a plate of food beside him. Tears were present on his bruised cheeks. The shaking in his limbs had not stopped.

Sebastian looks around, scared and confused, then, everything comes back at full force. His father, the bridge, Chris. Sebastian breaks down into sobs.

Footsteps are heard between his cries and arms wrap around his shaking and heaving body. "It's okay." Chris whispers. "Your okay. Your safe."

Sebastian grips onto Chris's arms, sobbing into his chest. "I'm sorry!" He yells. "I'm sorry!"

Chris hushes him, rocking him side to side. "Shh." Chris says. "It's okay, Sebastian. Don't apologise."

Sebastian's throat tightens and he begins to thrash, hitting Chris over and over and over again until he was screaming. Fear was rippling through Sebastian's bones, pain flowed through his veins. Everything was too much.

"Sebastian!" Chris cries, holding onto him tighter. "Sebastian! It's okay! It's me! It's Chris!"

"Let me go!" Sebastian screams. "Let me go!"

Chris unwraps his arms from around Sebastian's waist and cups his cheeks. "Sebastian." Chris whispers, holding him still. "It's okay." He says. "It's okay."

Sebastian looks into Chris's eyes and grips at his wrists. "I'm sorry." He gulps. "I'm so sorry."

Chris shakes his head. "It's okay. Take some deep breaths, yeah? Your gonna be just fine."

Sebastian nods slowly and sucks in deep breaths, scrubbing his hands over his face. They sit together through this, Chris's hand resting on Sebastian's lower back for a small amount of comfort.

Sebastian appreciates it, but he still doesn't understand as to why he was at Chris's. Chris hated him. Chris hurt him.

"Why am I here?" Sebastian asks, biting into his lower lip. "You hate me."

Chris freezes. "I... I.. I'm sorry." Chris mumbles. "I'm sorry for what I did. But you have to understand why I did it."

"Then tell me." Sebastian states. "Tell me why the hell you guys think I'm behind everything. I'm not."

Chris sucks in a deep breath. "Emily came up to me that day at school when she said she had to talk to me... and.. and showed me videos of you going through my lockers and taking my uniform." He explains. "She said that you were behind everything."

Sebastian's throat feels as though it were closing up. "W..what..?" He whispers. "Why..? I.. Emily.. Emily knows I'm innocent."

"What'd you mean?" Chris asks.

Sebastian sighs. "Emily found out I liked you and helped me make a plan to get you to fall for me.. it didn't work but I found out you already liked me." He whispers. "I... she.."

"Is this what you were putting in my locker that day?" Chris asks, getting up and grabbing the letter from off of his desk. He holds it out and Sebastian freezes.


"Letitia gave it to me last night." Chris says. "If this is what you were putting in my locker.. what were you doing with my uniform?"

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 ~ 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now