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For the next week, Sebastian took to mending his wounds and covering the bruises, then, late at night when his father was passed out on the couch, Sebastian would begin to place things, little by little, into a carrier bag. On the night before the trip, Sebastian forged his fathers signature onto the sheet, and when the sun began to peek through his curtains the next morning, he was gone.

Sebastian piled his bag under the bus, handed over his permission form to his teacher, then walked up onto the bus, taking the seat in the very back. Sebastian places his headphones into his ears and begins to play his music softly, watching as more and more students pile into the bus, including Chris, who took the seat in front of Sebastian and gave him a small wink. "Glad you could make it."

Sebastian could only give the tiniest of smiles and nod in response. Chris smiles and turns back around in his seat, allowing Emily to lean her head on his shoulder. Sebastian sighs, then leans up against the window, fluttering his eyes shut as the bus begins to move.

The drive is loud and annoying, students screaming lyrics, laughing uncontrollably, swearing, playing jokes on the teacher and each other. It was beginning to drive Sebastian's brain up the wall. Thankfully, Chris wasn't included in the ruckus unlike some of his friends, but he was laughing and it was adorable; head thrown back, hand over his left peck, eyes squeezed shut to where they crinkled at the edges. God, Sebastian could listen to him laugh all day.

Though, when Chris calmed down and continued talking with Anthony who was situated on the seat next to him, Sebastian couldn't help but feel slight panic begin to form in the pit of his stomach once more, heavy like a large bolder, weighing him down. What was going to happen when he got back home? What would his father do to him? Should he ask to be taken back? Lie that he didn't feel well?

"Hey." Someone whispers, and Sebastian jumps slightly, looking up from his shaking hands. Chris was looking over his seat, worry across his gorgeous features. "You okay?"

Sebastian nods. "Y-yeah." He stammers, rubbing his hands up and down his thighs. "I- I'm okay."

Chris sighs. "No you're not." He quickly gets up from his seat and takes the one next to Sebastian, watching with concern as the other flinches. "What's up? You feeling a bit homesick?"

Fuck no.

"Something like that." Sebastian whispers, adverting his gaze away from the other.

Chris smiles gently, placing a comforting hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "It's fine. I actually found out that we're sharing a cabin, just the two of us, I can keep you company and make sure you have fun, yeah?"

Sebastian smiles. Actually smiles at Chris and nods. "I- okay."

Chris seems glad, giving off a small chuckle before nodding and rubbing his hands together. "Okay. Sweet." He then gets up once more and goes back to his seat, allowing Sebastian to close his eyes once more, feeling at ease, turning up his music and dosing off.

* * *

When the bus comes to a stop, a gentle shake is made at Sebastian's shoulder, awakening him from his slumber. Sebastian was glad that whoever shook him was gentle, anymore pressure, he feared he would have scared the poor person. Sebastian was a very.. let's say.. jumpy person. His guard was always up, never knowing when his drunken father were to strike, the fear now sketched into his reflexes.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 ~ 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now