Chapter 15

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of rapid knocking on my front door. Groaning I make my way out of bed and towards the front door. I swear to god if it's Stiles trying to drag me to something I will kill him myself.

Letting out a sigh I swing the door open with an annoyed look, however that look falls immediately when I see the scared freaked out boy in front of me.

"Isaac? What are you doing here?"

"It was my dad....he....he.....he's dead."

Immediately I pulled him into a hug before pulling him completely in my house. Shutting the door behind him I bring him to the kitchen and have him take a seat at my kitchen table.

Grabbing to glasses of water I place one in front of him and take the seat across from him. I watch as he takes a couple of sips of water before he finally says something else.

"I don't know who did it, I just know it was something big and something fast."

"Well what happened explain it to me."

"Well, um, we were having dinner and he was asking me about my grades and

um...I told him how I was failing chemistry and he didn't take it very well."

"Isaac, did he hit you?"

"No, uh, no he didn't."

"Has he hit you before?"

The shift in his voice and the way he flinches gives me my answer without Isaac confirming it, but I thank god that he trusts me enough to let me know more.

"Yes, he has. He also, well, um, you know how I don't like small spaces."


"Well as punishment he would lock me in a small freezer in the basement and leave me there for hours, after beating me."

"Oh Isaac, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, it won't happen anymore I guess. Something good came out of my dad dying."

"You don't have to act all tough Isaac, it's okay to be hurt. Yeah he wasn't the best father but he was still your father. It's okay to feel something towards this."

"I know, I think I'm just so numb to all of this that I don't know what to do or think anymore."

"You should tell the cops."

He immediately shakes his head at that idea making me nod mine before taking another sip of water. Something is obviously still holding him back and I want to know what it is, but I know better than anyone not to push, so I just smile and grab his hand.

"Well I'm glad you came to me to talk, at least it's somebody."

"Um there is something else...."

He pauses making me squeeze his hand to encourage him to go on. When I see that he isn't making any other effort to continue I start to verbally encourage him.

"It's okay Isaac you can tell me anything, I promise. I'm here for you."

"I the dance."

"Oh again don't worry about that I understand especially now, you don't have to feel bad about it. I'm not mad at you, I forgive you."

Isaac nods his head before glancing at the time. I follow his glance to see that it is already four in the morning and I have to get up and ready for school in two hours. Knowing this Isaac stands up from the chair and thanks me for listening.

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