Chapter 9

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"Do you want me to talk to him?"

I sat on the hospital bed as Melissa started to wrap up my arm and give me the usual 'how to take care of my arm for the next couple of weeks' speech. Nodding my head only half listening I hear her sigh before calling my name. Glancing up at her knowing that she got my attention Melissa asks me the question she has been dying to ask since I got here.

"Are you okay?"

"Besides my arm being broken I'm peachy."

"No, I mean after everything that has happened."

"Well, I'm as good as any kid who just lost their family and doesn't have anyone to take care of her."

"About that, I was talking to Sheriff and he was talking to your aunt down in New York about taking you."

"I don't want to move to New York."

"You won't have too. Your aunt was talking about how her job won't let her watch a teenager, which is why she hasn't had any kids. So instead I'm going to be the one taking care of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's not official, but I'm going to try and adopt you."

Melissa says with a smile making my smile get ten times bigger as I throw my arms around her and start thanking her. She hugs me back and starts talking about once it's final I'll move in with her and Scott and that it will be small but we can make it work when I stop her.

"Do you think I can stay in my house until I graduate?"

"What, why?"

"I don't want to give up the one thing I have left of my family."

I tell her and although I know she wants to fight me on it she agrees before taking me home. Every time I enter this house I used to feel alone, but now I know that my family is still here with me in the walls and with that I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Well for all of five minutes until there is a pounding on my door. Rolling my eyes I make my way downstairs and open the door when I see a smiling Stiles on the other side. Letting out an irritated sigh I ask him what he is doing here when he doesn't even explain and instead just grabs my hand shutting my door and pulling me to his jeep. I barely had enough time to grab my backpack just in case.

We drove for a little while before we are now walking in the woods.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"We really shouldn't be out here. Our mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happend at the school."

"Well, your mom isn't the Sheriff, okay? There is no comparison, trust me. And what do you mean our mom?"

"Melissa wants to adopt me, so Scott and I will soon actually be brother and sister."

I explain making Scott nod his head excitedly as we continue to walk deeper into the woods. I shiver slightly to which Stiles notices and gives me one of his sweaters that he is wearing and apologizes for not letting me change before dragging me out here. Scott then asks again what we are doing out here this late at night. When Stiles goes on explaining how when your best friend gets dumped.

"Wait you and Allison broke up? I should text her to make sure she is okay."

"I didn't get dumped, okay, we are on a break."

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