Chapter 13

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We are sitting here as Stiles and Peter go back and forth between whether or not Stiles is going with Peter to help him find Derek. Of course Stiles is being his stubborn self and won't leave Lydia, but Peter isn't taking no for an answer.

"No, I'm-I'm not just going to leave her here."

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me."

"Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore."

Stiles says, making me look at him with wide eyes as Peter comes close to him. Using his claws he makes Stiles stand. Letting out a small gasp I stand in between them both.

"Stiles, just go. I'll call Jackson and we will look after Lydia. Please, just- just don't get yourself killed."

I tell him, making Peter glance towards me before telling Stiles to say bye and follow him. Peter then leaves towards the forest as Stiles glances at Lydia before looking at me.

"Are you freaking crazy?"

"Kai- I-"

"No, just save it. You want to die for a girl then be my guest, but just don't do it in front of me. Now go before Peter actually kills you."

I tell him and watch as he is about to say something else making me just shake my head and grab my phone immediately dialing Jackson's number. Stiles doesn't say anything else, but instead places a kiss on my temple before following Peter in the dark. I don't bother to watch him walk away even though this very well may be the last time I see him again, but at this point it's a 50/50 chance I'll ever see anyone again.

Letting out a sigh I immediately explain everything to Jackson as soon as he answers when he tells me that he is on his way. It doesn't take long before he is here and grabbing Lydia as we are both running and calling for help. As we continue to run towards the school everyone who sees Lydia starts to scream, but Jackson and I are determined to find help.

"Someone please help us! My best friend is dying and we need help."

I yell out before we finally find help and they call an ambulance. Both Jackson and I get in with Lydia as they shut the doors behind us. I watch as Jackson's hands continue to shake making me stand from where I am and move to his side. Grabbing his hands I glance at him before giving him a small smile as if trying to convince him that everything is going to be alright when I don't even know that myself.

"Is she gon-gon-gonna-"

"Die? I'm not sure, but if she doesn't die she is going to-"


Jackson whispers, making me nod my head as he nods in return. Once we get to the hospital everything goes crazy and they take Lydia away from Jackson and I before we can even see what way they went. Frustrated we both let out a grunt before making our way to the front of the hospital and towards the elevators hoping to find her. Once we get to the floor Jackson immediately gets out asking where she is when we find her room.

Letting out a gasp I cover my mouth as the Sheriff grabs Jackson and starts asking what the hell happened to Lydia. Of course we couldn't tell him the truth so Jackson starts trying to make up a lie about how he was going out looking for her when he found me, but of course the Sheriff interrupts him.

"What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found her there like that? Don't lie to me son."

"No, I--"

"Hey! What happened to her!?"

The Sheriff yells before grabbing Jackson and pushing him against the wall and they both start yelling back and forth before I get upset because it isn't Jackson's fault yet he is getting blamed for it. I mean yeah if he wasn't a dick to Lydia and was her actual date she wouldn't have gone to look for him leaving her vulnerable, but thats besides the point.

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