Chapter 8

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The boys continue to argue about what to lock the door with when I mention the pliars they used to open the chains with might work. Both Scott and Stiles look over to me before Stiles glances out the window.



"Stiles, no. Don't."

Scott says as Stiles makes his way outside before shutting the door on Scott and I. Glancing up we see the Alpha standing by his jeep before both Scott and I start to yell for Stiles to get back inside. Once Stiles is safe I pull him into a hug thanking god that he is okay when we realize the Alpha is gone and the pliers won't hold the door for so long.

Nodding we all run towards a classroom before the boys start to push the desk to the door blocking it. They both stop moving and start arguing about whether or not Deaton is the alpha and whether or not Derek is dead.

"He's dead, and we're next."

"Will you guys just shut up! I'm already scared enough I don't need you reminding me that we are going to die."

I yell, making both boys look at me sympathetically before Scott comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. He then asks what we are to do next when Stiles comes up with the plan of us getting to his jeep and then getting the heck out of here. We all agree to the plan before heading towards the window. Scott then points out that something happened to Stiles' jeep when all of a sudden his battery comes flying through the window. Stiles covers me from the falling glass before we try and find out what to do now.

We all start to move when Stiles grabs my hand and tells me not to let go under any circumstance. Nodding my head I assure him that it won't be a problem as we get to the locker room and start to come up with a new plan which I tune out until they mention Derek.

"What about Derek's car?"

"That could work. We go outside, get the keys off his body, ugh, and then we take his car."

"And him"

I remind him, making Scott agree with me and Stiles reluctantly agree. We were about to head outside when Scott stopped us saying that he heard something and that we needed to hide. Stiles nods before opening a locker and pulling me in with him. We are now face to face and chest to chest. Stiles whispers asking me if I'm okay to which I just shake my head before placing it on his shoulder. I feel his hand brush against the back of my head before we hear a scream making us all burst out of the locker and see the janitor.

"Quiet my ass, what the hell are you guys trying to do? Kill me? Get out, all of you."

"Just listen for half a second okay?"

"Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now."

"One second to explain."

"Just shut up and go."

The janitor says when all of a sudden he gets pulled back making Scott pull me towards him before we all make a run for it. As we finally get to the door and we are trying to get out just to realize that it is blocked by a dumpster. He is locking us in. This is like what my snake used to do with it's mice when I would feed him. He would trap it and then go for a kill.

As Stiles tries to open the door I back up and look around realizing that I am probably going to die at school and I don't know how to feel about it.

"I don't wanna die here, Scott. I don't want to die tonight."

I whisper making Scott stop whatever he was doing before coming over to me and grabbing my hands shaking his head. He promises me that I'm not going to die tonight before going over to Stiles telling him to stop. We start to make our way somewhere else as Scott grabs my hand giving it a squeeze as Stiles goes off on one of his many rants.

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