Chapter 12

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I received a call from Allison asking me to go on a ride with her. It was strange because it was random, she sounded distressed, and on top of it all it was the middle of the night. It's even weirder because I have been in this car with her for over ten minutes and she has yet to say anything to me about anything.

She's just speeding away in the rain looking as if she wants to cry or that she just wants to hit something. Letting out a sigh I place my hand on top of hers.

"Alli do you want to tell me what all of this is about?"

I ask her before she continues driving faster and then we hear the sirens behind us. Allison starts to freak out making her grab my hand and squeeze it. I tell her that everything is going to be okay and to let me handle it. She nods before rolling down her window when a flash of light blares in her face.

The familiar face of the sheriff becomes visible making me smile at him. He then asks us if we are alright when Allison starts to cry. She starts trying to explain herself and then begs the Sheriff to write her a ticket. So much for letting me handle it. The Sheriff then looks at me to which I just shrug before Allison says that she is okay.

We finally say bye to the sheriff before making our way back to her house to grab a couple of things. Once she has everything she needs we head out to this alleyway. She starts shooting a couple of arrows and then turns towards me.

"I'm sorry. I'm being weird and emotional and creepy and I'm just sorry."

"Don't be. I would just like to know what is wrong? You can talk to me, you know that right?"

"I do, which is why I am about to tell you something and I don't know how you are going to react."


I tell her before taking a seat. She takes a seat next to me before going off about how her aunt Kate has Derek in this warehouse thing and that he is a werewolf and her family is a bunch of werewolf hunters. She is basically telling me everything I already know, but I have to pretend I know nothing about. Nodding my head I let out a small chuckle to portray I don't believe her when she looks at me again.

"Oh you're telling the truth. Alli, I-I-I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. To anyone. Not to Lydia, not to Stiles, and definitely not to Scott. I want to be the one to tell them if I do, promise me you won't tell them."

"Yeah, I won't tell them what you told me."

She nods her head before asking me about Lahey. Shrugging my shoulders I nudge her and ask her if she truly wants to go to winter formal with Jackson. Of course she shakes her head telling me that she doesn't even really want to go if it isn't with Scott, but she really doesn't have a choice. Nodding my head I squeezed her hand before asking if we should go now. She nods in agreement before dropping me off at my place and heading back to hers. Once I'm back in my bed I finally fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to Stiles digging around in my closet. Sitting up I call his name asking him what he is doing in my house, in my room, and finally in my closet. He glances towards me before telling me that Scott called him freaking out like usual and he didn't want to deal with it alone. Shaking my head I get out of bed before I am being handed clothes and pushed towards my bathroom.

Rolling my eyes I put on the outfit he picked out before sitting on my bed tying up my tennis shoes.

"Hey Sti?"


"If I tell you something do you promise not to tell anyone I told you, not even Scott?"

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