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So guys this is the POV of the unknown, and its going to be the answer for the chapter where I introduced a new POV who we are yet to identify.

So angels we get to know who she is😝

Rose POV

I had sent Christaino back after he told me about the new development on Dawn, and I was happy when he told me Ryan had gone to beg Dawn and that he is seeing them together than usual.

I can't hold myself again, I need to see. Not only me even Helen has to see her.

I picked my phone and dialed Helen's number which after 3 rings she picked

Hello, Rose how you today, she inquired

I am fine Helen, there is something I need to tell you.

OK am listening, she said

Well sorry Helen its not a matter we can talk on phone why don't you come over by the house or what do you think. I asked

Ok I will meet you in the nest 25minutes and am at a salon around the mansion. She said

Ok do you have your travel documents with you. I asked

Woaw, we going on a vaccaa, well yes you know I always have my documents in my bag, you never can tell just like now.

Well its going to be a long day and journey.

Christaino has told me the location where Dawn is, and am happy about this

Helen got to my place and I explain everything to her, everything even how I assigned a special investigator to always keep an eye on Dawn.

She was happy and sad at the same time. Happy she is going to be a grandma soon and sad Ryan had done such things to the nice and innocent girl.

Now we are on a plane going to New York to meet my Dawn and take care of her till she gives birth to the lovely angel that will call me Grandma.

We got in late and we lodged in the hotel Helen booked for us on the plane. Such a nice and grand hotel, I really can't wait to my innocent Dawn.

The next morning, I woke early and took my bath dressed up and went to Helens room and was quite surprise to see her all dressed up to. We then decide we eat breakfast at Dawn little cafe, an idea we didn't regret.

20 minutes drive and we are there, we opened the door took our sit by the glass see through window that gives you access to see people outside.

We order for brunch and scrunched eggs and a cup of coffee and it was a delicious mouth watering meal.

We were so into the food we didn't notice Dawn and Ryan come in, Dawn came in first with Ryan at her back holding on to her as if she is going to fall any minutes

Awwnnnawwnn they look cute together

Helen beat me to it by screaming Dawns name forgetting that even her son is there

Dawn Darling, how are you I miss you so much, ohh look at your tommy you long gone, how many months left till I see the cute little angel in there

Mum, they are cuties, they...and allow my wife rest please, Ryan said

Oh my God... They, Helen and I shouted looking at each other.

I held unto Ryan's ear squeezing it hard to cause redness

And what makes her your wife, I can't remember attending a wedding or seeing Dawns parents, Helen said with her brows raised up

Dawn come, come sit down, I helped Dawn to a sit.

Dawn took her sit and she told us she is 7months 2weeks gone. And she told us both her and her brother are orphans, no parents.

OK, okk so how do we do it? I want these two joined together before she gives birth and I want it dome in the next 2weeks. Helen burst in

Woaw, isn't that too early... Ryan said

No its not, I want to live with you  sweetheart, Dawn replied

Awwwnnnawnnnnn... Both Helen and I said

Both on one condition, we get married here and live here. I will get my Landlord and lady to be my parents they have been taking care of me since I got here and they are kind of my parents now. Dawn said

OK, anything for you my love, Ryan replied

It's such a nice atmosphere and seeing this two wants to make me cry.

Please am so sorry, so so sorry. Have been busy and now the lockdown and stay indoor policy to be safe from this COVID-19 virus shit just gave me time to update today. I love you all and plssssss

Play safe...stay indoor....stay safe

Wash your hand frequently
Stay 1/2miters from another person
No handshakes, hugs or kiss😂
Avoid crowdy gatherings.
The next upload will be the last so I can continue to my other story*the bad boy get fucked* its a high school story with a little bit of ginger here and there.

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