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A happy new year to you guys😎, am sorry the update in this year took long yeap really sorry.
Kindly enjoy reading this chapter and this chapter is dedicated to my first voter and reader to comment to encourage my writing **Hayleymystic** I really appreciate.

Have gotten over 200 reads thou its decreasing but I appreciate you all thanks, Love yah.

Ryan's POV

The smell of bacon and pasta woke me up, I stood up from the bed and I went to the bathroom for my daily routine. I went to my closet and I pick a short and body fit round neck T-shirt,  I decide I won't be going to work today I need to know my maid more.

Good morning,  I heard greetings from the maids and staffs in my house and I reply grumply because I am the boss and its what bosses do. I heard Rose voice and I quickly hasten my steps to the kitchen so I could eat and see Dawn. Wait, do I really sound eager to see her!! To see my maid. Well I guess yes.

Morning, I could only hear her tender and soft voice am quite uses to Rose greeting.

Morning, how are you today and how was your night rest. I saw Rose looked at me as if I had pile of shit on me, or I had sound ridiculous to have gotten that stare from Rose. I was sure it was Dawn who greet me, so no offence.

Rose so what's for breakfast? taking my question as a means of breaking  the silence and averting the stares that was coming from not just Rose but other workers.

Well bacon and pasta with a juice to feel good. Umm she knows how I like it and I hope Dawn gets to notice this and study her ways of cooking because she might be staying longer than she expects. Am crazy I know

I sat down to eat and there she is Dawn, pretty as ever elegant, curvy and umm delicious. I was  carried away I couldn't even hear her saying my name until I felt a light tap on my shoulder, a tap I would love to feel again. A tap that came with a feeling and sensation that's completely new to me.

Oh, thanks. She turned back to finish with cleaning of the dishes.

Aren't you going to work today.  There goes Rose again with questions.

No am not, I need rest from the recent works I did. I replied not wanting to offend her.

OK then , I have doctors appointment today. So Dawn will prepare your lunch and dinner. I won't be around till  tomorrow. Rose told from the kitchen.

Ok, Rossie. This is the  greatest new of my life. I now have a perfect moment filled with hours and the whole house alone to talk to Dawn.

Again I drifted out my thought when I heard the door closing and Rose saying her goodbye.

Now is the time, Dawn I have you to my self now.  Do I even want to do this, OMG what's happening to me?.

Yippy another update finally I know its being a while and am sorry.

Well what do you guys think, is Ryan so in love. Is he going to go for it truly or with pretence and what about Dawn, her feelings and mind. Till the next chapter babes. Don't forget to click the vote icon and comments. Its important.

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