Hello preggie

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So this is another chapter, am a preggie I guess. Ummmahhhh let's read

Dawn's POV

I have been a pregnant for two months and two weeks now. Today I have to go do my ultrasound and I am happy.

Dee had told me to forget about Ryan and just be happy am having baby. She was angry and furious after I had told her what had happened and how I got to be pregnant by Ryan.

That guy is so dead when I see him. She had said angrily and clutching her fist

I took a taxi from my apartment to the hospital and registered, and I was told to take a sit to have my name called

After an hour of sitting I heard my name

Mrs Dawn  Briton you may come in

I walked in to meet the doctor and she greet me and ask me to lie down on the bed and raised up my dress which I did comfortably. She is a she, lolzzz the doctor is a female

She then put a belly cold substance on my tummy and ask me to look towards the screen and she showed me my little bundle of joy.

Well the gender can't be known but, till full three to four months. She said

I felt tears in my eyes, so by next month hopefully I will get to know the gender of my baby.

So what should I do now, I asked the doctor

You just have to come around for regular checks on you and your baby you know we want both the mother and child safe to keep everyone happy especially the father

My face tightened as the doctor said the word father because I had made up my mind that I will never say a word to this child about his/her father until he/she is old enough to ask and when I explain I pray he or she understands

Mrs Dawn, are you alright

I looked at the doctor hoping she will get a clue from what am about to say

Am sorry doctor, I am a miss not Mrs....... I said looking at her

Ohhh am very sorry I thought she couldn't complete her words

No doctor its okay, so do I have days I have to come around or whenever I want. I ask

Yeah anytime you can fix, we wouldn't want to affect work and all that, she asked

Ok, so what about Wednesdays by 11-12, I asked

That is perfect, you really do have a special aura to you unnn. You fixed your day with ease. She smiled at me

I also smiled back and thanked her for her help and left the hospital to go back to the store

I got to the store and met my brother with a pretty damsel and also saw my best friend Dee


They both screamed and enclosed me in a hug. And I returned the hug too.

So to what do I own your visit Mason, I asked

Well sis, I want you to meet my girlfriend Claire, he said scratching his neck

They girl who look just as pretty as I imagined Mason's girl to be came up to me and she greets me shyly

Hey, Mason told me a lot about you. She said shyly

Umm am sure he did, and you are a really pretty girl. You both enjoy yourself ummm.

I left them both and turned to my friend

Hello preggie, well I guess that's a nickname from Dee

Deer seriously, I rolled my eyes at her

Wait what, you are preggie don't you know

We both laugh our asses off and went to a corner to sit while I gist her about how my day went at the hospital

Sooooo, my Dawn is a preggie. How did I even come up with the name unnnnnn. Lolz

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