Chapter Twenty

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The Name's Sinner Chapter Twenty

"Sir, there's no hope with Charlie. He won't betray Jazz. I indirectly mentioned you and he literally punched the wall." I toss my phone across the room and can't even be bothered hanging up. I huff.

So far Wian had been a complete waste of time and my oh so important oxygen. I mean for goodness sake he couldn't even assemble one freakin gang! All he's been good at it is monotonously calling me "Sir" and giving me a pretty much endless supply of satisfying Asian food- only my stomach's going to start bulging out soon from the tons of oil in it and that would just ruin my whole look. I mean the whole bad boy abs and piercings can't mingle with a belly.

And here I am thinking about my killer looks when there's a girl out there who knows my deepest, deadliest secret and who I've shamefully let slide between my fingers countless times. Get your sh*t together Sinner.

I pace around the room, taking a quick drag of my electronic cigarette- because I mean that's the latest fad and apparently my risk of dying from lung disease and cancer is now slithered down by 0.2 percent. Brilliant! And that's when the light bulb comes!

Shuffling to the ground to collect my now beaten up HTC, I slide the phone onto my ear to find Wian still loyally waiting for me on the other end. I can't help thinking that he's an idiot. If I were him I would've hit the end call button ages ago. But then again not everyone has the sharpest mind like me.

"Hey Wian."

"Yes Sir."

"I've got the best idea ever! Don't tell Charlie that Sinner wants to assemble a squad. Tell him 'Eddie' is amazed by his bravery for asking Jazz to marry him and he needs your help so he can ask Maddy to marry him too."

"Brilliant Sir! You're a genius." He says enthusiastically. I can almost imagine him grinning from ear to ear and rubbing his hands in an evil manner as if he had come up with the idea himself.

"Well get to it then!" I order, feeling a great sense of authority.

Sinner you are The Man.


"I'd like this motorcycle here." I point towards a flaming hot, black Yamaha.

"Pft," Scoffs the sales man. " You won't be able to afford that. How about that 1998 model over there? This 2014 limited edition is like way over your limit."

Giving him the deadliest glare I can muster, I rake my hands through my gelled up hair and scoff back at him. "Pft a 1998 model! I could afford to buy all the vehicles in this sh*tty car yard."I boast without any exaggeration. I could literally buy all the vehicles in the car yard down the road too without any sweat if I want to. But I mean that would just be plain stupid.

The sales man shakes his head, disapprovingly. "Son, I wouldn't be arrogant if I were you. Your what... Seventeen? You're probably still taking pocket money from mummy and daddy. I have teens coming in here all the time thinking they own the world just cause they've got a lisence."

Getting slightly annoyed at his cockiness and the fact that he thinks I'm a silly teen, I pin him against the wall and grab a fistful of his shirt, angrily. Growling at him, I drag him towards the payment desk and shove him on the plastic seat while I spin around on the big, fancy wheelie chair.

Taking my electronic cigarette out of my pocket, I take a few drags to calm myslef down and then stuff my hands in my black and white leather jacket pockets. Grabbing the right amount, I count every single hundred dollar note in front of the bastard and smirk right through it. "Still think I'm taking pocket money from mum and dad?" I ask, razing my eyebrows.

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