Chapter Six

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The Name's Sinner- Chapter Six

Unlocking the sleek Mercedes Benz I stole, I drop the keys into my pocket and turn around spotting the black headed, chirpy girl right behind me.

"Glad you could make it," I greet her with a welcoming smirk.

"I was running a little late," She quickly explains, apologetically.

"After me," I joke, spreading out my hand in front of her.

"Haha," She laughs. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" She says as we walk into the cafe.

"A table for two," I call after the waitress and wink at her.

The waiter clears a spot for us, picking up the glasses and plates and I stand near her, whispering in her ear. "Meet me at Maccas at two o'clock." I hand her a twenty dollar tip.

Yes, I know sometimes I can be generous but only if I have an ulterior motive. "You have a girlfriend, cowboy." She raises her eyebrows.

"Nah, she's just aquaintance."

She hands me back my twenty dollars with a scowl spread across her pretty face. "Good try cowboy. But no thanks, I don't take tips."

"But you'll make me upset." I put on puppy dog eyes.

"Well too bad too sad," she calls back angrily as she storms off towards the double doors that lead to the kitchen.

May chuckles and I pull out a chair for her to sit on.

I know right, I'm such a gentleman.

I start to work my charms and brew up a few handsome smiles. "So how are you enjoying Adelaide so far?" I ask, fishing for information.

She shrugs, takes a sip of her coffee and says, "It's really nice to be back, and to hang out with my friends again."

My ears prick up at the mention of her friends. I just hope she can't notice the smirk that's pushing itself onto my face or see through my nice facade.

"Oh, that's sounds nice. Are you staying with one of them or at a hotel?" Hopefully I don't go to far by saying that.

"I'm actually staying with Eva and the rest, at the Uni hostel room 256 if you ever want to visit," I resist the urge to smirk of laugh evilly. She just gave away all the info I need within two seconds. So gullible and naive.

"What about you, how are you doing these days?"she asks.

I think about how to answer, when her phone starts ringing and she quickly picks it up, saving me some time to think of what to tell her about my life.

Aaahah yes! I'm studying law in Melbourne and I just came to Adelaide for a visit.

"Emergency, emergency," she calls out frantically to me, quickly collecting her items and taking a quick sip of her coffee. She gets up and runs out of the cafe calling out to me, "Sorry See ya later."

And off she goes.


Stumbling through the streets of Adelaide in broad daylight, somewhat drunk, I wave my hands up and down to usher a taxi.

A dirty yellow taxi, it's pain peeling off and it's rear producing loads of thick grey, cloudy gas, pulls over at the curb.

I stumble in and throw my body on the ripped seat of the taxi, my shoulder hitting the tarnished seatbelt and sending a throbbing pain to jolt up my nerves. "Where to?" The taxi driver asks.

"To the.... To the moon!" That's right the moon.

My head spins and images of lots of pretty girls swirl around in my head. Aww I wonder who they are?

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