Chapter Three

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The Name's Sinner - Chapter Three

"I told you before, I'm not saying anything until my lawyer arrives," I said again, squinting at the bright light that was currently being shone in my face.

"Then you won't mind waiting in the holding cell in the mean time," Constable Pete says, shoving me out of my seat, and into a narrow corridor. We pass officers on the way who all share the same smug smile as they see me in handcuffs.

Hah. They think they've won. Well, perhaps they have for now, but this battle is far from over.

I put on a expressionless face, as he tightens the handcuffs around my wrists, making my palms turn red.

"Steady tiger," I taunt. "Wouldn't want to cut off my hands now would you?"

He slowly looks up at me as he clicks the handcuffs around even tighter, and takes a small step towards me. "Oh, but I would," he says, now grinning.

I roll my eyes, and try not to let his horrible breath get the better of me. I wait for him to open up the cell door, and as soon as he does, I coincidentally get the urge to go to the toilet.

He lets out a big fat, "No!" when I first ask, but after threatening to squat and take a shit there and then, he had me escorted to the bathroom.

"You're a good guy, Pete." I smile, as I head to the bathroom.

Once there, I ask the officer to take off the cuffs so I can use the bathroom. He's either new, or insanely stupid (or both), because he agrees and takes them off.

I thank him before entering, and lock the door behind me.

I rush over to the sink and turn on the tap on full blast to cover up the sound of the window shattering when I break it. I've got 2 minutes max until some other cops realises the newbies

mistake of letting me in here alone, and un-cuffed.

I set the toilet seat down, and stand on it. I look over my shoulder and see that the handle is rattling. They're trying to get in.

I take off my jacket and wrap it around my left elbow. In one swift movement I jut at the glass and it shatters. Thankfully there's no jagged remains, so I can slip through problem free.

Once my feet feel the ground beneath me, I can let out a sigh of relief.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts list until I find who I'm looking for, Sebastian. Sebastian is a computer whiz, and he can hack into absolutely anything in under ten minutes. Police files; covered. ASIO files; covered. Anything you could possibly need to hack into; covered.

He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, Man. It's me. Could you do me a favour and pick me up from the police station?..Awesome. And another little favour. I'm going to need your services for one last time. Find out everything there is to know about Marie Alvang. And I mean everything."


"Thanks, just park here. Any closer and they'll see the car."

"Just be careful with her dude, she's super dangerous," he reminds me for the third time.

"I will," I sigh, as I swing open the door. "But dangerous isn't all that bad. I mean, I exist."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he scoffs. "I'll see you round, dude. Stay out of trouble."

"I'll try." I nod, as I make my way to the back of Marie's house. I get the feeling that I'm not done with climbing yet for today, and make my way up to the bathroom window. I have a mini celebration in my head when I find out that it's open. It's quite small, but I just manage to squeeze myself through.

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