Chapter One

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The Name's Sinner Chapter One

My legs ached and my lungs burned, but I had to keep going. I looked up at the towering trees and prayed to god that they didn't catch me this time. Sure I'm a tough nut, but jail isn't really my scene. You can't bloody do anything while you're in there. All you can do is, just do your time, and do whatever you can to keep yourself sane while you're in the same four walls for what seems like forever.

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered the foul food. I quickly picked up my pace as they'd be releasing the sniffer dogs soon. That's what the coppers do in this town when they can't keep up with a good a chase, they send out the dogs, those lazy bastards.

"You can't compete in a running race with man's best friend!" A husky voice yelled, that I quickly recognised as Constable Pete's.

"Ah, crap!" I muttered to myself. I was right.

Howling and barks filled the air, and soon being careful not to break any twigs wasn't a worry. I let my feet slam heavily onto the leaf covered ground. I could feel stitches in my sides, but stopping now wasn't an option. I had to get them off my tracks.

I hurried into some bushes and began running in zig-zag motions. This evidently wasn't helping since I could hear the yelps growing louder.

Think, think, oh why can't you bloody think!

I stopped with the exhausting style of running, and began full on sprinting into the darkness. There were no more police torches to light my way, so I would find myself stumbling over tree roots every so often. I came to a halt when I smashed my nose into something painfully hard. I forced myself up, and felt around the hard object I had just crashed into. All I could make out was that it was wooden, and very sturdy.

I felt around some more and decided on the idea that it was an old outhouse. I found the door and whipped it open. Much to my delight, it wasn't being in use and even had a lock. I threw myself in there and managed to place a foot in the dunny. Yep, it was definitely an out house.

As soon as I got my now soaked shoe out, I was met by the barks of more dogs. The polices' flashlights were once more in sight. I found a crack in the door and used it as a peep hole to see what was going on. The whole team of offices were surrounding the outhouse.

This can't be good.

"You think the little pipsqueak jumped in the loo?" One chuckled.

"Maybe all that running, made him start to run!" Another one piped in.

They all erupted in a fit of laughter until a dog interrupted them with a howl.

"I think Snoop here agrees with me. I think he's in there."

"Then don't bloody stand there, open it up."

With eyes wide at the realisation that I would be caught soon, I took an involuntary step back. All this because I broke a little vase. How was I supposed to know it was from the 16th century? It looked like a nice addition to my apartment, so I took it. Big deal. And they better not bring up that security guard in court. He got in the way so I accidentally stabbed him, the keyword here being accidently. If they weren't too busy trying to catch me, maybe he would of survived. So it was their fault more than anything.

"Ah, it's not opening."

"Pull harder then!"

"No, Sargent, I think it's locked from the inside."


"Does that mean the little convict's in there?"


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