Chapter Nineteen

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The Name's Sinner Chapter Nineteen

Sinner's POV.

This has been drawn out for way too long. I could not stand another week, day- no hour of this.

I paced around the room back and forth.

How did she always manage to do this? How does she survive every single time I try to kill her off?

Think Sinner think.

What makes her different from any of the other people I've murdered in the past? She's equally as pathetic, so why on earth is she still alive? The idiot has even at some point turned herself in..which brings me to my first question, how is she still here? What am I doing wrong?

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to snap out of this unhealthy way of thinking. I was never wrong. I was Sinner Wellington, I make no mistakes. I don't even care if I sound narcissistic, it's the truth.

Heaving out an angry sigh I switched off the light and tried to get to sleep.

I stirred in my sheets for a while until I gave up trying to sleep on my sides. I flopped onto my back and rested an arm under my head as I stared up at the ceiling. Well, more like stared into dark nothingness.

I closed my eyes shut and tried to switch off my brain. Shutting my brain up was always a difficult task since I was always thinking of plans and had lots of things going on- oh the pains of being an evil mastermind.

I snickered to myself, oh aren't I hilarious? And ingenious and smart and very nice to look at- oh for goodness sake, brain! Shut up!

Great. So this is what has become of me now. I fail to kill one stupid girl and I'm already spiralling into insanity.

Ugh, no. I had almost forgotten about Eva. But now my brain had remembered and I knew there was no use trying to shut it up again.

So there I was, lying in bed like an insomniac being kept up with thoughts upon thought upon thoughts about Eva and how much of a failure I had become.

Sometimes it was hard for me to admit things like failure to was probably because they happened so rarely and because I'm a genius- but that's beside the point.

Eva was the one person who knew the one secret that could bring me down, yet after many attempts of trying to get rid of her, I had failed.

This whole thing was bordering rediculous. How could one person dodge every one of my attempts of killing them? It just didn't add up. I mean, even I, Sinner FREAKING Wellington have had a few close calls but not Eva. She's like a freaking cat with nine lives..hmm, cat..Kat..Matt! That reminds me!

Maybe the reason she has gotten so far is because she is surrounded by people who are literally willing to take bullets for her. Maybe I could take a page out of her book and do the same. Yes, that could work. But of course I would have to put my own spin on it.

Hundreds of ideas churned through my mind, I went through each one and cancelled a few that would never work out. Until I came up with a fool proof plan.

I would assemble my own team of loyal puppies. Eva always relied on the people around her to protect her, and two could play at that game.

It was a fool proof plan because I wouldn't hire any fools. Everyone in the alliance would be ruthless and all be trained assassins who never missed a target and left no witnesses behind.

I let out a soft chuckle. Little Eva won't know what hit her.


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