Chapter Twenty Six

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The Name's Sinner Chapter Twenty Six

I consider telling Maddy and her stupid, gullible friends that they never really really knew Kyle well enough to be sobbing loudly at his funeral and crying out dramatically about how he was "such a good person and didn't deserve such a morbid ending." I mean for goodness sake, they only really remembered his existence in Aldinga High, several weeks ago, when he dragged his soccer obsessed ass into journalism and graphics design for no apparent reason. I guess he just wanted to paint and write about boring black and white soccer balls.

The only thing that was keeping my polished shoes to the ground and preventing me from speeding off down the lane in my new motorbike to run away from the wailing and sobbing of people who had practically only seen Kyle once of twice in their life, was the fact that Maddy's black funeral dress was hot. Actually scratch that, it was more than hot. More like spectacular. It was short and tight. Just the way I like it.

Unfortunetly though, Maddy's perfect smokey makeup, which took her about an hour to apply-mind you- was now wearing out and becoming smudged in places around her chocolate brown eyes. Seriously, if you ask me, Kyle isn't worth ruining your makeup over.

Neither did Maddy or any of her clique know him well enough to be standing there blowing their noses, hugging each other tightly and then breaking out into a fit of sobs over him. You'd think they'd known him all their life or something.

Oh and Eva, she was a completely different story. If you thought Maddy was being extreme, wait until you saw Eva. Her thick black hair way flying in all directions and her nose was quite red from blowing her noise too hard with napkins the priest had given her earlier on when he'd seen the morbid state she was in. She was too shaken up for someone who considered Kyle to be a"soccer obsessed moron who couldn't come up with a better plot to save his life." But then again, I think part of Eva's tears were being shed on the account of someone else.

Matt perhaps. He was nowhere in sight and Eva was practically leaning on Kat's shoulder, wetting it with her tears as he rubbed his hands on her back too soothingly if you ask me. I'm guessing she's had second thoughts again and decided to have a second round with the feline.

I smirk to myself as Matt briskly walks into the church, in a black and white tudexo, clutching a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He walks by Eva, barely glancing her direction, causing her to grip onto the railing and starting hiccuping and sobbing even louder than she was before.

I was right. There were other reasons behind Eva's tears, and they weren't Kyle.


We were now standing beside the coffin in which Kyle's lifeless body was laying. I myself, peered over it to get a look at the body and make sure that it really was Kyle. I mean, who hasn't watched a movie or a tv series where someone else was placed in the coffin instead of the supposed deceased person? Who hasn't watched a film where people buried an empty coffin or where someone was buried alive?

As I peered over, I couldn't help but shiver with goosebumps. His dark, piercing blue eyes were shut and this heavy eyelids and forehead were blotched with a thin layer of makeup from the funeral directors company. His scruffy beard was still intact, as requested in his will. Apparently he'd stated that he'd never once meddled with his beaded during his life so no one was going to dare touch it over his dead body.

All except his mother were surprised he'd written a will at the age of twenty two. She'd said he sensed he was going to die soon. Apparently he could feel it. He could feel death nearing nearing in on him.

When I couldn't look again at his lifeless body without having shivers jolt up my spine, I turned away and let the girls and everyone else, cry and weep and sob over his dead, lifeless body. "His hand. It was cold. Dead cold. He really is dead." Eva had sobbed into Skye's shoulder. "I know," she cried too.

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