Chapter Twenty five

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The Name's Sinner Chapter Twenty five

As soon as my phone began to sound the room fell silent. I couldn't hear anything but the buzzing of the phone and the irregular beats of my heart. Everyone's eyes bulged and mouths dropped, as they tried to piece together what on earth it was that was going on.

It was almost like we were all frozen in time, and no one moved or said anything.

All this must have happened in a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. I was pretty much just sitting there, waiting for Maddy to pull out the phone and realise it was mine.

She reached into her bag with shaking fingers, and slowly pulled it out. I tried not to wince as I waited for her to turn it on, but it was like she was doing it in slow motion. Her fingers hovered over the screen and just when she was about to swipe, Jazz had to leap in and do it for her.

I bit my lip hard to not say anything. I really didn't like people I did not like touching my phone. I had nothing against Jazz personally, but she was friends with Eva so that automatically put her in my bad books. Plus, who did she think she is grabbing the phone from Maddy like that? Sure she was taking her sweet time doing something as simple as unlocking a phone, but that was just rude, and that's coming from me; the king of rude.

"Why does Sinner have this as his wallpaper?" Maddy asks me out of nowhere. I'm snapped back to reality and have the unwanted job of having to lie straight to her face.

She shows me the phone and I regret saving that picture as my wallpaper. I should have done a cool skull background, or a gun, maybe even a soccer ball. But not a picture of me kissing Maddy's cheek. What on earth is wrong with me?

I should have seen this coming, but lately, when I'm with Maddy I've been letting my guard down a whole lot. I haven't been as cautious or on my toes anymore. Grace has taken a lot of space on my mind as well, it's like my minds been split into thirds and two thirds are taken up by Maddy and Grace and being a good father and boyfriend, which leaves only a third left for my criminal antics. For goodness sake I've even let Wian take lead on that merger with Alistair (or should I say Bone Crusher) and just a second ago I was willingly doing maths in my head. Let me repeat, what on earth is wrong with me?!

I finally open my mouth to speak, but it's like my throats closed up, and no words can tumble out. Maddy's eyes are beginning to water and I'm hit by a wave of guilt. Maddy has one of those faces you can't lie to. Right now she's doing that thing were she searches my eyes, as if she's a human lie detector and can tell if I'm lying through my dilated pupils.

I stare back into her doughy brown eyes and almost feel bad for having to lie to her.

I don't know why I feel bad, I have to protect myself right now. But I still can't help thinking that maybe in some messed up way this was supposed to happen. Maybe this is fate or that sort of crap. Maybe the universe has picked the best time for me to finally confess to Maddy that I'm Sinner.

I open my mouth a second time, but accidentally lock eyes with Eva. Her eyes are narrowed and she's watching me intently, almost like she's just waiting for me to screw up.

I let out a short sigh. What was I thinking? I can't confess to Maddy now. All her friends are here- Eva is here. I'll just have to wait it out a little longer. I can't mess up this deal with Bone Crusher, because within a fortnight he would have helped me get rid of Eva. Yeah, that seems like a better idea. And this has got nothing to do with that fact that Maddy might look at me differently after, no, this is strictly business.

"I have no idea," I reply, after a bit of delay. "That's creepy," I add, quickly snatching the phone, pretending to get a better look of it, but really just relieved to finally have it back in my hands. "I've got a mate who's good with tech, I'll get him to trace the address. We can find Sinner and get the police, and it'll all be over."

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