Chapter Four

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The Name's Sinner- Chapter Four

Running my hands threw my sleek black hair, I most carefully apply a layer of gel to my hair and move my hands up and down, perfectly shaping it to make sleek but sharp pointed spikes. I smirk at my reflection in the mirror and admire my masterpiece of a hair, heavy six pack and some what broad shoulders and slip into a light purple button up shirt and black chinos.

I grab my sunnies and stop infront of Marie, to taunt her on the way out.

"Mmrghmmrg" Sounded the voices that came out of her mouth, since it was tied with a piece of cloth. She struggled and tried to free her hands from the rope that was tying her arms and legs to the bed post.

"Having fun there?" I chuckle and untie the cloth that was covering her mouth. "I'm not really big on second chances but are you sure that you don't want to help me out and provide me with some information?" I ask.

"Never in a million years," she spits angrily. I wipe the spit off my face and kick her in the guts once, twice and then thrice angrily. Blood tickles out of her jaw as she whimpers in pain.

I pull her long strands of brown hair with all my might and make her scream out in pain. "Fine, let it be that way. It's cool, freedom of choice, right?" I taunt.

I wipe away the blood around her mouth with my thumb and hold it out for her to see. "You made this choice. And I won't be Sinner Wellington if I don't make you hate your life, make you want to kill yourself, wish someone would end your life for you once and forever, but only finding that you can't." I suck her blood off my finger and smirk, knowing what's going to come next.

I grab the pistol that was lying peacefully in my back pocket and shoot her in the leg. She screams out in pain, tears trickling out of her eyes.

Somehow, after all the pain, physically and emotionally, Marie still had an ounce of courage hidden somehow. She squinted her eyes, trying to fight back her tears and find away for her to breath calmly, not letting the pain overtake her. "You missed me." She smiled, not smirked. It was as if she was almost happy.

"You got me in the leg, and you out of all people should know that the highest percentage of recoveries from gun shots are in the leg." She told me as if I didn't know.

"Well you're pretty stupid," I twirl the pistol in my hand, tossing it in the air and catching it again. "Don't you remember what I said?"

She gulped, as realization seemed to hit her. "I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to make you hate your life."


I picked up Marie's mobile and dialed the one person I knew would help in this situation.

The only person I had left to rely on at the moment.

"Shannon," I said in a matter of fact tone as the woman herself answered the phone. "And Brett why would you be calling me after you know, all that happened with your school activities?"

The thing about Shannon was that I knew her so well that we had a bunch of code words we'd use on the phone. Those spy agencies would never give us a break. Brett was the code for my name and school actives meant all of the evil little things I do.

"Baby," I plead.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I knew of you couldn't resist me!"

"Oh stop being so arrogant! You know you can't survive without my help!"

"Okay, I'll let you go this time for saying that babe," I joke. "Can't I be calling you without an ulterior motive?"

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