Chapter Five

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The Name's Sinner - Chapter Five

"Why aren't you dead at the bottom of a lake?" I questioned, taking an involuntary step back, as I sneakily pulled out Casper from my back pocket.

"Stupid idiot! I'll make you pay!" He began to shout, coming straight for me. I decided to not sling out Casper just yet. I needed to wait until I was sure I could get a good strike.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, no need to go around making empty threats. I was just doing you a favour."

"A favour?" He spat back, looking at incredulously. "You call shooting me with my own gun and dumping me in a lake a bloody favour?!"

"Well, yeah." I shrugged. "Would you have preferred if I burnt your body?"

"Stop being a smart ass, Wellington!" He yelled, coming for me. I kept my grip around Casper tight, just a few more steps and this all could be over.

"Since you're not fond of smart asses, how about a smart butt?" I snorted.

"I mean it!" He huffed, outstretching a hand to wring my neck, but I beat him to it, by plunging Casper right into his forarm.

"So do I!" I hissed, taking out and plunging the blade in for more times than I could count, all the while his wide eyes watched me helplessly as his legs thrashed around.

Soon I grew tired of having to kick down on his legs to stop them from moving, so I pressed Casper down into his thigh, but he seemed like he didn't want to go without a fight, and soon his other arm had swung around landing a blow to the side of my head.

"Ah!" I growled, before taking the knife and sinking it right above and through his heart.

Blood began to spew out of his mouth, and the metallic smell was making me nauseas. Later on I hired an old pal, Diego, and ordered him to get rid of the body since I wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

That better be the last of that psycho.


Since Marie had been gone for ages now, and the police were still on my trails, the food supply at Marie's had been running dangerously low. I'd just about run out of Weetbix and orange juice, so taking a trip to my local Coles was a must.

I was after something quick, easy and satisfying. So I found myself in the soup aisle. I must have walked up and down the same aisle at least a hundred times, and still none of the canned goods looked appealing. So I gave in, and asked the nearest worker for help.

"What's the easiest thing to cook in here?" I asked, my stomach rumbling at the exact moment I finished talking.

"Um, we've got two minute noodles," the red head said, leading me over to the noodle aisle. She stopped in front of a stack of them, and handed me one. "Is this all you were after?"

"Yeah, thank you." I nodded. "If it's not too much to ask, could you explain to me how to make this?"

She cracked a smile and began to leave. "You're hilarious."

I clutched onto her arm before she could leave. "I wasn't kidding."

She frowned as she snatched the packet for me. "Instructions on the back, Einstein. But incase the print is too small, or if you're just stupid, all you do is put the noodles and sachet into a bowl, pour water, and pop it in the microwave."

"Thank you," I said, flashing her a smile.

"No worries." She smiled back, heading off to assist others.

I laughed to myself as I used the self service, and bought the noodles. Of course I knew how to make noodles, I'm not stupid. Infact, I'm far from it. Like Marie had once said, all my actions are calculated, I never make errors. The reason I had asked her how to make the noodles was so she could take another look at me. I wanted to check if she'd recognise me as Sinner Wellington, most wanted man in Australia, and she didn't. So maybe this meant that they haven't added blonde to my description yet.

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