Moving in

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Skyler: 9 GUYS! Em, I can't even stand being with a guy for one hour, but 9 for the rest of my life?!?

Emily: But we're all paying rent together, so it's cheaper. Besides, I bet they're cute. *Nudges*

Skyler: Well okay, I guess, but they better be hot or else I'm moving back to Michigan.

Emily: I'm sure they are.

Skyler: Okay.....

Skyler and I drove up to the house. It was really big.

Emily: Woah.....

Skyler: *In shock*


Skyler: *Walks up to door and knocks*

*Mumbling from inside* " YOU GET IT ITS A GIRL!"

"No you get it GAH please I'm too GAH nervous."


Skyler: "Hello?"

A boy answered the door. He had a blue hat with a yellow cotton ball and flaps on it.

Skyler: *Blushing* "Oh uh hi."

Craig: Hi are you here for the rent thing?

Skyler: Umm yeah

Craig: Uh do you have a bad sunburn or something? Your face is really red.

Skyler: *Hides blush* Oh um yeah I went to the beach yesterday and forgot sunscreen.

Craig: Oh well do you wanna go ahead and unpack in your new room or meet the rest of the guys first?

Skyler: Um meet the guys. Em c'mon we're gonna meet the guys!

Emily: *Gets out of car* COMING!

Craig: Oh by the way I'm Craig Tucker.

Skyler: I'm Skyler Hall. *Blushes*

Emily: C'mon Sky stop flirting let's meet the hotties!

Skyler: *Looks embarrassed* Okay.

We went in. The inside looked like a mansion with a dining room, several bedrooms, Guest rooms and even more!

The guys all lined up. I stared at one. He had golden hair, blue eyes and had an orange parka on with the hood off. He caught me staring and I quickly looked away hiding my blush.

The first had blonde hair, and was wearing a light blue shirt. When he spoke, he had a bit of a southern accent. "I'm Leopold Stotch, but my friends call me Butters."

Skyler and Emily: Hi

The second was African-American with black hair and a purple shirt with a giant T on the front. "I'm Token and I have a girlfriend so don't even think about it."

Emily: Um okay?

The third was a boy with a green flapped hat. I could see his red curls hang out over his lime green eyes. "Uh hi I'm Kyle Broflovski."

Skyler: Cool

The fourth one was the boy I had stared at earlier. "Hey I'm Kenny McCormick and I'm a perv."

Emily: *Gasps* *blushes*

Skyler: *Laughs*

The fifth one was Craig the kid that Skyler talked with. "I'm Craig Tucker and I love to flip people off." He said sticking his middle finger in the air and waving it around.

Skyler: *Blushes like crazy*

Emily: Whispers "Ooh you like him."

Skyler: *Giggles* "Shhhhhh"

The next guy had messed up hair, green eyes and his shirt looked ruffled up. He held a cup of coffee in his hand. "HI IM GAH TWEEK TWEAK AND IM ADDICTED LITERALLY TO COFEE AND GAH WELCOME TO GAH OUR HOUSE!"

Emily: *laughs*

Skyler: *smiles*

The seventh dude had light brown hair and was REALLY fat. He said "I'm Eric Cartman and I'm available." *Winks at us*.

Kyle: You left out the part about your fat ass.

Cartman: Oh yeah! I forgot to say that Kyle is a dumb faggot Jew.

Kyle: *Flips off*

Cartman: *Double flips off*

Kyle: Forget it. *Rolls eyes*

The next guy had dark brown hair and he had a red and blue coat. "Yo I'm Clyde Donovan and I got the swag."

Craig: *Rolls eyes* He just wants to impress you guys.

The last guy had a brown coat with a blue hat that had a little red bobble at the top. "Sup I'm Stan Marsh."

Cartman: *fake coughs* Hippie!

Stan: Screw you Cartman.

Craig: Well that's it. You should probably start unpacking. Your room is in the hall across from the bathroom.

Emily: Thanks

Skyler: *blushes* Yeah thanks.

Craig: Welcome

Skyler and I got unpacked and chose bunks. I got the top and she got the bottom. Then we drifted off to sleep.


Skylers voice was like an alarm clock waking me up from my deep slumber. I flipped my head over the bunk and let my dirty blonde hair hang down.


Skyler: Sorry this hamster was crawling on me.

She held a small tan and white hamster in her hand.

Then Craig burst into the room. "What's with all the noise?" Then he noticed the hamster. "STRIPES I FOUND YOU!" He quickly snatched it up and hugged it.

Skyler: What the heck?

Craig: Stripes is my pet hamster that went missing a few days ago. At first I thought Clyde was hiding him and teasing me, but then I searched his room.

Clyde: You fu*kin searched my damn room?!?

Craig: *ignores and keeps cuddling stripes* Thank you so much for finding him Skyler.

Skyler: *blushes* You're welcome Craig.

Then Craig said goodnight and we all fell back to sleep.

A/N so how was chapter 1? I know kinda long but oh well. 😆

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