Yocine HeadCanons

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I wanted to do this, Fuck off, Yocine is Underrated and I wanted to do stuff with it
But I didn't want to make a OneShot for it because I already have Writers Block
So ye
(Also, my Banana Splits book is up if ya wanna read it, it takes place in the R Rated Horror Movie version)

(Don't ask why I did that with that Pretty Ass Font, I just wanted to, don't yell at me)

• Yo asked Francine out first

• Since Yo is so much Shorter, Francine literally has to  b e n d  d o w n  to Kiss her Forehead, she has to Crouch down to Kiss her on the Cheek(they don't Lip Kiss because they're 13 Year olds, I think, idk)

• When Yo's upset she goes to Francines house and just lays Face down on the Bed

• They go out for Ice Cream on a Daily Basis

• Their first date was just them Ding-Dong Ditching the entirety of Galaxy Hills at 3AM, Followed by some Frosty Freezy Freeze's

• Their Relationship is Basically;
Yo:* Does Anything*
Francine:* Recording her Smol bby on her Phone* You're doing Great, Sweetie!

• They always lay their Head on each other's Laps, although it's Mostly Yo laying her Head in Francines Lap. But, there are times where Francine will lay her Head on Yo's Lap. Yo lays down Sideways and Francine Lays down on her back(don't know why that was relevant, but it is)

• They watch Netflix together Religiously(they like: She-Ra and the Princess of Power, Hilda, The Office, Bojack Horseman, F is for Family, and Aggretsuko [Aggretsuko is amazing, go watch it, I love it. I even got a Shirt of it from my GameStop, it's such a good Show-])

• If Yo wants attention, and Francine is doing something(like Homework), Yo will just walk up behind her and Face-plant into her Back and Scream until Francine will get up and they go to the Frosty Mart

• The names they have for each other in their Contact Lists on their Phones:
Yo's name for Francine is: I'mGonnaMarryThisHoe💍
Francines name for Yo is: Princess👸💅💍

• One of my Friends has a Romeo and Juliet AU and Yo is Romeo and Francine is Juliet, and Instead of them Dying, they just pull a "Lol Sike" and they Run away to the Country Side and Steal a Dog(Well, they didn't Steal it, they got it from the Side of the Road, so they technically Rescued it)

• In my Fantasy AU, They live in a little Dirt Shack Together. Yo goes out to Hunt for Food while Francine stays at home with their little Alien Dog(in the AU, Francine is from the Heavens, but moved down to the Earth[Or the 'Lower Grounds'] To live with Yo, and Francine had a little Alien Dog[The AU is based off of this Minecraft ripoff I used to Play called BlockStory, download that on your Phone and look for the weird Alien Dog thing] with her, so now they have a Good Alien Boi) and She basically Harvests their Food and Takes some to the Village in exchange for Money n' Stuff
In the AU, Fanboy and Kyle have his Fight with the Villagers because the Villagers where against Same-Sex-Marriage. They where Basically saying " We're fine with them falling in love, Dating, living Together, and having Kids n' stuff, but Marriage is Off Limits" but then Fanboy and Kyle pulled up on Pancake(Kyle's Dragon Boi) and said " Let them get Married now, Mother Fucker"
So at the end of all that, Yo and Fran Get Married, Yay \(^3^)/

• Okay, but I do this thing where, if I forget what a Character sounds like, I replace the Empty slot that is their Voice with the Voice of a Different Character
Francines Voice Replacement is Elsa from Frozen/Frozen 2
Yo's Voice Replacement is Cherry from Studio Killers
Both if their Voice Replacements are Beautiful Lesbians(I know that Elsa isn't a Canon Lesbian, but have you seEN HER WITH HER HAIR DOWN?!?)
don't know why I put that there, but ok

• I know the last few things don't Correspond with this, so let me say this last thing and then we'll go back to what I was doing Earlier: I sometimes forget what Francine Looks like, so I add a lil extra thing to her. What's the Extra thing? A FUCKING NOSE PIERCING-
(Well, when I'm imagining her with Yo, it's a Nose Piercing. When I imagine her with Duke, it's a Lip Piercing. When it's any other Character, it's just a Dozen more Ear Piercings.
And the Nose/Lip rings aren't really that Big. The Nose Ring isn't actually a Ring, it just looks like she Stuck an Earring through her Nose, same with the Lip Ring. But when you get to the Ear Piercings they're all either Really Small or fucking Huge)

• When Yo Stays over at Francines house, they do this thing where they take Bacon Bits, Ham That's been Cut up into little Squares, Shredded Cheese, Sour Cream, and that stuff that you put on Salad that isn't Ranch(I forgot what it was called, oof) and they Mix all of that up into a Bowl and they Eat it together
Please don't say that that sounds gross, I used to eat that shit all the Time with my Mom(of course, that was when my Mom was Pregnant with my Sisters, so she would Basically eat Anything)
(That's also something in my 2nd Gen AU, but I'm not gonna sit here and Explain it other than there's an Extra Ingredient[Pickles] and you have to Microwave it for a Minute)

• They like to Pretend to be Adults by stealing Francines Mom's Wine Glasses and filling them Up with Red Kapri Sun from the Drink Packet

• Yo likes wearing/Stealing Francines Sunglasses

• They had a Fake Wedding once and they Invited No one and the Marriage Ring thing Was just a Ring Pop

• They always do each others Make up and Paint each other's Nails n' stuff

• Francine always gives Yo Piggyback Rides


K, I'm Done, go enjoy life

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