Valentine's day Special

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I'm adding my AUs in this, and I'm bringing the 2nd Gen Characters back in this. So, yeah.
(Highschool AU)

Cheech:* Tries to kiss Nancy's Cheek*

Nancy:* Blows an Air horn* Fuck off, Cheech.
(2nd Gen)

Kiko: I really like you and I Care about you so, I got you some Leafs shaped like Hearts.* Hands them to JayJay, her Older Sister* It's just- Yeah, your Welcome.
(Gender Bent)

Fangirl: Kylie, look at what I got ya.

Kylie: Fangirl what do you want?

Fangirl:* Holds up a Baby RattleSkunkPine* Scooter had babies last month, and now that they're older, I want you to have o-

Kylie:* Takes the baby**About to cry* It's so cute.

Mr. Mufflin:* To Someone trying to give him Flowers* I don't want no Damn flowers... Cuz I'm Allergic, you want me to Pass?

Mr. Mufflin:* To the same person* I don't want Flowers. You know I'm Allergic, you want me to see Jesus??

Mr. Mufflin:*(you know the Drill)* These damn flowers! You can stick these flowers You know where; Asshole. * Walks away, but trips and falls into a random Flower Bed*
(2nd Gen)

Some random Dude: Hey Bab-

Jay: I'm a Non-Binary Asexual Aromantic. Fuck off.

SRD: I Can change your-

Jay: Did I fucking Stutter?

Fanboy: Did you know that Gay Marriage is Legal in the US now?

Kyle: Really?

Fanboy: Yup.... Wanna get married?

Kyle: Uhh... Sure, why not.

Uhhh..... Idk what else to put, this is short AF. I might come back and add some more... Probably.


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