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FB&CC: Who are you?

Glitch Techs: I'm You... But better

FB&CC: You say that, yet you got Cancelled before you even aired.

Glitch Techs:...


Glitch Techs:...

FB&CC:* Gets bitch slapped*

There's a rant down here\/ just a warning

I'm still pissed off at Nick for Cancelling Glitch Techs BEFORE it even aired. Some/most of you guys know that Eric Robles, the guy who made FB&CC, also made Glitch Techs and I saw the Trailer/ theme song for it, and the two main Characters in it looked suspiciously Familiar ( The girl from Glitch Techs, Miko, kinda looks like Yo, but taller and with purple hair) Here's the trailer/theme song if you don't wtf I'm talking about

They had MORE than a season done, and Nick decides:" No, we don't need this. We already have two Cartoons/ We have SpongeBob and The Loud House, we don't need anymore/ We don't need anything else." YET THEY DECIDE TO MAKE SITCOM AFTER SITCOM
They just need to end SpongeBob and every single shitty Sitcom they have. The creator of SpongeBob is dead and is now in peace, let the show have the same Fait!

This turned into more of a rant on Nickelodeon other than something I made because I was bored, sorry.

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