Smol Lesbian & Tall Lesbian

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Guess who isn't dead and Hasn't actually forgotten about the Book because she was working on Aesthetic Boards for the 2nd Gen Character Sheets that nobody will Read?

I decided to take a break from the Boards to make this
Idk if the other Character Sheets will be Up soon because that's a Lot of Fucking Characters that i have to find really specific Pictures for-

Yo:* To Lupe* Y'know, I think I'm doing a good job on keeping my Crush on Francine to myself. I'm doing a Genuinely good job on it.

Francine:* Walks into the Room*

Yo:* Starts to Gay Panic* I have to Gay- I mean gO--

Lupe: I don't really like Living With Yo and Fran, they're just... Too Gay.

Marsha: What do you mean they're Too Gay?

Lupe: Today Yo complimented Francine but said 'No Homo' afterwards, but then, Ten Seconds Later, Yo yelled 'SIKE!!' and Slapped Francines Ass.

Yo: I'm probably the most Smartest, Intelligent, and Gorgeous person you've ever met, Huh Fran?

Francine: You are gorgeous, but the things about you being smart probably aren't true.

Yo: Whys that?

Francine: Yo, You have your hand stuck in the Vending Machine.

Yo: Hey! I paid for my Doritos, and I'm getting my Damn Doritos, Francine.

Yo:... Did Francine just tell me 'Hi'?

Lupe: Yep, She did.

Yo: And... Did I put up one of the International Bisexual Gang Signs?(Finger Guns[👈👈]. The others are The 'Ok' sign[👌] and the Peace Sign[✌], I know them, because I'm Bi and I always do them)

Lupe: yeAH- * Starts laughing*

Yo:* Looks down at her Fingers, which are still in the shape of Finger Guns*...... fuck me-

Francine:* Dreamily* Me and Yo had the most Romantic Date last night~

Duke:* Being the ONLY SUPPORTIVE Ex that exist in the world of Fanfics n other shit* You and Yo Ding-Dong Ditched the Entirety of Galaxy Hills at One AM.

Francine:* Sighs* I know, it was so Romantic~!

Literally anyone from the Class: Hey Fran, Can I borrow Yo for a Second?

Francine: Oh, sure.

Yo: Wait, why did you ask her? I'm right beside her, dude.

The Kid from the class: I dunno, she looked like she was in Charge.

Yo:* While Francine starts laughing* ;-;

Francine:* Looks over at Yo, who's looking out the Window of the house*

Francine Internally: God, she's beautiful. I window what she's thinking about in that Pretty Head of hers...

Yo Internally: If Four is pronounced as F-O-R, then shouldn't Flour be pronounced as F-L-O-O-R? all you do is add an 'L'
(This takes place in my Fantasy AU)

Francine:* To Fanboy and Kyle* Oh, You're going to love my Girlfriend, she's so Sweet, Cute, Caring--

Yo:* Walks into the house while Dragging a Deer Carcass by the Antlers in with her* I got Supper!

Francine, while Fanboy and Kyle are just staring at Yo in Shock: See?! Isn't she the Best?!

Literally any one of the Villians: We have your Daughter.

Francine:... What daughter? I don't have a Daughter, I'm only Thirteen.

Copy Kitten: Wait, Then Who's the Cute chubby girl we Kidnapped who always talks about you like you're the best person in the world?

Francine:* Processing the words for a Moment*... Oh my gOD, THEY GOT YO-
(Aged uP-)

Some random Person: Quick Question, I hope you don't mind me asking, But... How do Lesbians have Sex??

Francine:* glances at Yo for a Quick minute* The Real Question Should be 'How do they stop'-

Lupe: Hey Yo, Your Girlfriend's Calling.

Yo:* Looks at the Caller ID and takes the phone away from Lupe* Francine isn't my Girlfriend, Lupe! Jesus Christ. * Answer's the phone* Hey Fran-Cakes!

(I like to think that Yo calls Francine 'Fran-Cakes' because it sounds like Pancakes and Yo likes Pancakes)

Yo:* Staring at her Feet**To Francine, while doing 👉👈* I'm sorry I Roasted you, I was Trying to Flirt.

Yo:* Walks into Lupe's Room at 3AM* Lupe, I don't know what's going on. *Flips on the light switch making Lupe pull the blankets over her face* I get this weird Feeling in my Stomach, My face Heats up, and that only happens when Francine is near me! Do you know if there anything wrong with me?!?

Lupe:* From under her Blanket* Are you Kidding me?!? It's Three AM and you came into my Room to tell me that you're Gay???

(This takes place in my ' Francines a Better Person' AU, so Yes)

Francine:* Whips out her Lightsaber that she got from Wal-Mart and Pushes the Button, making the Lightsaber Light up in Pink*

Yo: O H-

(In the AU, Francine has a Lightsaber where she can change the Color of it with these little Chip things[idk what they're called] and Pink is her Main Color because Yes)
(Yo and Francine During Quarantine)

Francine:* Inside her House while Yo is Outside because SOCIAL DISTANCING**Picks up her Marker and draws an X on her Window*

Yo:* Draws an O on the Other side of the Window**Draws a Line Connecting her previous O to the Other Two O's, making her Win the Game*

Francine:* Throws her hands up and says "What the Fuck?!" But no one can hear her because she's inside the House*

Yo:* Laughs at her Angry GF and Flips her Off before they both take out Wipes and Clean the Window off*

(Honestly, Yo and Francine playing Tick-Tack-Toe like that is honestly the best thing I've ever Imagined/Came up with, and I Love it (-ω-) )

Yo:* Eating Instant Ramen with Fran* This is Good, what'd you add to it?

Fran:* Twirling her Ramen around her Fork* The Flavor Packet.
(Also in my AU where Francine is a Better Person)

Francine, Fanboy, and ChumChum:* Whips out their Lightsabers and Turns them on before Striking weird Poses*

Yo's Bisexual ass: oH JeSuS cHrIsT-

(Also in the AU: Fanboy and ChumChum went out and Bought Lightsabers along with Francine. Fanboys is Purple and ChumChums is Orange.
Idk if I mentioned this, But In the AU, Fran, Fanboy, and ChumChum are Friends. Not Best Friends, Just Friends)

Yo:*To Francine over Face Time because of Quarantine* I just Realized something.

Francine:* Eating some Pudding* What's that?

Yo: Everyone's going Crazy and Buying Toilet Paper, Right?

Francine: Yeah.

Yo: I think I know why.

Francine: Okay, Tell me.

Yo: A Meteor is going to Slam Dunk it's self into the Earth by the end of the Year or Something, and Everyone's Buying Toilet Paper because Paper Beats Rock.

Francine:* Stares right at Yo for a Minute before exiting out of the Call*

Francine: Did you wash the Dishes?

Yo:* Instantly remembers that she was supposed to do that* I thought... You wanted to wash them..?

Francine:* Does a weird Laugh* You where wRONG-

Okay, idk what else to put, Bye-

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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