Gender Bent Things

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[Insert me dying for the 39th time today]

In honor of the new book I'm gonna be posting later today, I'm doing this! The new book is gonna be a Gender Bent Character X Character, and all I have to do is finish up the first chapter and it's posted! And for this, I wanted to do: Danna(The Gender Bent Version of Duke) for each character, but that took up wayyy too much time, so you're gonna have to guess.
Fangirl, Chi-Chi, and Kylie are really easy to guess. Especially Kylie since all I did was put an I in Kyle. I made most of these up.

Fangirl: Chi, there's a SPIDER RIGHT THERE! * Points at nothing on the ground*

Chi-Chi:* Screams and runs into the couch*

Fangirl: Chi! Chi-Chi! It was a joke.


Fanboy and ChumChum;

ChumChum:* Trips*

Fanboy:* Catches him before he hits the ground* Oh my gosh, are you Okay?

Fangirl and Chi-Chi;

Chi-Chi:* Trips*

Fangirl:* Busts out laughing*

Everyone:* surrounding a Locker while the teacher unlocks it*

Nick:* Comes out of the locker and points at Chase* Screw you, Chase.
(Idk anymore)

Danna: My Mom can beat up your Mom!

Fangirl: I don't have a Mom.

Danna: Oh... Well-

Fangirl: Don't have a Dad either.

Danna: Okay... Well-

Fangirl: Dude, I don't have a family.

Danna: Well then how-

Fangirl: I don't know!

Lacy: Bea, I think I need to talk to you about how childish you are. You're acting like the kids who come in. Can you stop acting like that?

Beatrice:* Standing on the Frosty Mart Counter with a group of kids* Those are some real mature words for someone who's standing in Lava.

Fangirl:* Sitting in the floor beside Kylie who's sitting in a chair* Why don't you like South Park?

Kylie: It's stupid. Back at Milkweed everyone would be talking about it and I would be like " You guys watch that crap?".

Fangirl: Wait, I thought you said that you grew up watching Beavis and Butthead. That's equally as stupid as South Park.

Kylie: My cousin made me watch it.

Fangirl: Oh, so you hate all the good stuff yet you watch Teen Mom.

Kylie:* Throws a book at her*

Fangirl:* Counting how many characters on South Park Cried* Okay, so there's; Kenny, Kyle, Stan, Cart-

Chi-Chi: Don't add Cartman. He doesn't count.

Fangirl: Okay. * Recounting* There's; Kenny, Kyle, Stan, Eric, Ike, Jimmy-

Chi-Chi: Wait, who's Eric?

Fangirl:... Cartman.

Chi-Chi:* Punches Fangirls shoulder*

All of the girls:


Fangirl:* Holding a plastic bag* This is your Opinion. * Throws the bag into the ceiling fan*
(This is a forgotten vine)

Samantha: I don't follow rules, I follow dogs on Social Media.

Nick:* Picks up a thing of pens* Don't these pens look cute?

Chase: Nick, that's gay...

Nick:* Glares at him and sets the pens down* Chase, we've been dating for two years.

TV: It's time to go back to school-

Kylie:* Turns off her TV and walks outside*

Kylie:* In the middle of the street* HIT ME! HIT ME WITH YOUR CAR!

Fangirl: Hey, why isn't Eleven pronounced as Onety One?

Kylie:* Covers her face with her hands and sets her head in the desk* Why do I put up with this?

Fangirl: 'Cause you love me.

Kylie:* Sits back up* Yeah, you got a point.
( I have no clue)

Chi-Chi: Hey, pass the salt.

Fangirl:* Throws Kylie across the room to Chi-Chi*
(Something based off of Impractical Jokers)

Kylie:* Hands Yoni a bag of marbles* Can you hold this?

Yoni:* Takes the bag* I thought you where gonna hand me something weird, honestly.

Kylie: Oh, so it needs to be weird? * Picks up Fangirl (Bridal Style), who casually wraps her arms around Kylies neck* Can you hold this?

K I'm done, I need to finish up the first chapter of the Book.

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