Chapter 16

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''So.. my brother is back.''


''He escaped the mental institution around 7 years ago even though he has schizophrenia.''


''And he is considered 'dangerously unstable' because the crimes he's done could get more and more serious.''

''You got it.''

Misty falls against the couch. ''Damn.''


Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad spilling the beans.

Yes, I could tell Misty was upset, but even so I could still see the relief in her green eyes when I told her David was in fact alive.

After telling Misty the inevitable truth the first thing that came to our minds was-what do we do now?

''We could always find a way to have him locked in the mental institution again.'' Misty suggests.

''Yeah, that's the thing.'' I reply. ''Your brother has had 7 years to plan and construct exactly how to get around the cops and any other form of law enforcement. I'm sorry to say this Sierra, I really am, but David has basically become the perfect criminal mastermind while he was in that mental institution, and putting him back there is only going to make him smarter if anything.''

Misty lets out a long suffering sigh before running a hand through her hair. ''You're right, but I just want what's best for him, you know what I mean?''

''Yeah. ''I agree. I may not know precisely what she means, but I have a pretty good idea.

''Don't get me wrong, its not my idea to try to lock him up soon as I catch word that he's out, it's just I want him to be safe. It's a cruel world out there, and even someone as....messed up as him can easily get even more manipulated. I'm happy he's, out though. I'm really glad my brother's alive even if he is doing bad things he will always be my family, and I'll always love him.''

I envelop Misty in a bear hug as she begins to tear up and she leans her head on my shoulder.

It's quiet a while as I comfort her, and thats completely fine because we don't need words. Our actions speak louder than words ever could and I make sure to show my best friend that I care about her, and I am understanding in what she's going through.

It's only when Misty jumps out of nowhere that our little 'chick flick' moment is over.

''Oh my God!'' She shouts.

''What?'' I ask in confusion, watching as she rushes over to where her phone is on the table.

''I totally forgot to tell my parents!''


''Call them!'' I yell.

''Nooo, I ran over here to post this on Facebook-of course im calling them!''

''Sassy much?'' I joke, to which Misty rolls her eyes, proving my statement true.

''Hello? Hey mom- I have something to tell you I....oh.....Ohh okay I see. What time will you guys be here? Okay...yeah im fine....Rose is fine too-'' She holds the phone up for emphasis.

''Im totes awesome!''

Misty shakes her head with a laugh. ''Alright, I'll see you guys then...I love you both too...okay see you later.''


''They already knew.'' She says in shock.

I wince. ''Crap, I think my dad may have told them, im sorry that your the last to find out-''

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