Chapter 26

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I saw Jeremy being taken down the hall. I just stared at him. Tears began to fill my eyes. Is this what I wanted my life to be? This? I got out of my bed because they were taking me in. I started crying. This was so embarrising. Next thing you know I was being questioned

Cop: "Ma'm tell us what happened."

Ally: "Well I was having fun with my fiance Jeremy . Then his pregnant ex-girlfriend/ my enemy comes up holding hands with my ex-boyfriend/ his enemy. Then they cone in and start laughing at us. Then she slapped me. Thats when it happened. Then Jeremy came out the bathroom and tackled him and I did the same cause I was tired of the chick!"

Cop: "Thanks for telling us the truth."

Ally: "Thats what I am here for right? Now I wanna go home!"

Cop: "Your mother is coming right now."

Ally:"And Jeremy's?"

Cop: "Idk."

When My mom got here I could tell she was furious. She grabbed me by my ponytail and threw my into the car.

"Ally Vaega!"

"I am so sorry mum!"

"No sorry your grounded for a month. No phone. No car. No laptop. No Jeremy!"

"MOM But-"

"No butts no huts missy! You go straight to your room! "

"Now we have to do what they said!"

"Whats that mum?"

"Boarding School."


"Then Boot Camp!

"No! Neither!"

"Pick one or I will!"

"Boarding school."

"Ok you'll be leaving in 2 months."

"Thats 1 month for Jeremy!"

"Nope that month your gonna be packing and signing up for colledge and school related stuff! No Jeremy AT ALL!"

"Mum I am pregnant and engaged."

She stopped the carhard and I hit my head.



"You heard me."

"Ally. Your getting an abortion and your dumping Jeremy."

"NOO! You cant do that!!"

"Yes I can and I will!"



I got out the car and ran. Gosh I hated her. She cant do this to me.

"Ally get in this car!"

Echoed in my head over and over again. No friggen way was I going to boarding school.




I havent spoken to Jeremy for a long time. I walked up to his house. I knocked on his door. I was sneaking to Jeremy's house for about 2 weeks. But I never went in.

I knocked on his door again.


I kissed him. He pulled me in and we just kept kissing. I could feel my heart raising.

"I miss you!" I yelled.

He put me down. My baby was now showing a bump. Simona adopted ger baby to a family. Sierra well I dont give a rats butt about her!

He rubbed my tummy.

We put our heads together.

"Jeremy." I sighed.


"My mum is sending me to boarding school."



"Not if you live here."

He went on one knee and opened a box with his house key in it.

"Ally Vaega. Will you move in with me so we can start our own family?"

"Yes a million times yes!"

"Ok go write a note to tour family about living here k?"

"K seeya."

I walked home with a smile that never wiped off my face. Hey I know what you guys are thinking. Wheres Alex? Well I forgot to mension he went to Paris. I hope his plane crashed. When I got home mum was waiting on the steps. Dad well hes at work most of the time.

"Young lady where have you been?"

"I am moving in with Jeremy marrying him and having his kid. So shut ul and cry about it."

I walked in. That was great. No one could boss me around. Im Ally Vaega!


Author's Note: Next chapter will be about luke. He kinda faded away.

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