Chapter 2

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I went up to them and slapped her,ruining they're make out session.

"What the hell,I know you're broken hearted ,but seriously my brother? You would go that low?"I said in a yelling matter.

"This is your cute brother?"

She laughed,all I wanted to do it kill her.I hated violence but to laugh especially in my face.My brother was silent the whole time.He had his mouth open shocked.

"You little BRAT!"

I punched her and kicked her,letting out all my anger on her.She got up and ran for her freaking life.i turned to my brother and I grabbed him.Suddenly he stopped.

"What did you do?" He asked me.

"I saved your but from humiliation,you were gonna be the new popular boy but It would ruin me.Why? Well because I hate attention,Ill be known as the Popular boy's sister.I dont want that to happen you know that Luke you should."

"What did you do?" he asked again.

"You realized what you have done right?"He asked me.

"What are you talking about ?"I said in confusion.

"She will ruin our lifes.She will ruin us.She'll sue you.She'll RUIN YOU!"he yelled.

"What? Why?How?"I asked again in confusion.

"She is the richest person in this town.She controls the water bills,the electricity bills.Everyhting we use.She can go to the president and telll him to take everything away that we have."He said suprisingly caring now.

"What have I done?"

"You know how her process works right?"he asked

"How?"I asked again..

"1) She ruins you at school.She first gives you attention becoming your friend.You would say no.Then she would ruin you,she'll get attention on you make up rumors.She'll become class president and turn everyone against you Even Jeremy.Especially Jeremy.

2)Then you'll want to leave the school.You'll leave the school.Thats when the water will be cut.The electricity will be cut.And we will be forced to leave this town.For you to leave Jeremy.

3)The she'll track you down.And ruin your life over there.She was already gonna do it but I changed her mind.

Great see what you've done.You practiclly ruined our lifes."

He walked away and ran to the house.I had my mouth open in shock.I was practiclly crying. It took me a few moments to get that down.I Took out my phone And called Jeremy.This is how our conversation went.


Ally:I need you.

Jeremy:Whats wrong are you okay?

Ally:I just need you.

Jeremy:Why?Where are you?

I'm by Sierra's house.In the ally way.

Jeremy:Ally are you okay?

Ally:I need you.

Jeremy:Im coming stay put.

I hung up. I stood there for awhile.It started to rain.I just stood there in the rain waiting for him ,crying.This is what I get.I deserve this.He finally got here. He stopped the car.He did the hand signals for me to get in the car.I stood there.He got out the car and pick me up and put me in the car.He fot into the drivers side.

"Whats wrong?"he asked.

"I did something horrible.I ruined my life your life my whole family's life"

"What did you do"he asked

"I punched and kicked Sierra."

"You didnt.No possible way.No one had the guts to do it."

I suddenly found a smirk coming up his face.Then he started laughing.


He stopped laughing and looked at me.He just stared at me.

Then he started to laugh again.

"I came to the wrong person for this."

I got out the car. And ran. I ran somewhere.Not home.I just ran. I stopped for a second and I just sat on the steps of a random house..Thinking.Then I started to walked home. I looked at my cell,Jeremy called me 20 times.I ignored him 20 times.I cant believe he just laughed. While he was driving around He finally saw me walking in the street. He slowed down a bit.

"Ally get in the car!"

I ignored him.I was tired of him.

"How could you?!" I yelled.

"Im sorry for laughing.Please Ally GET IN THE CAR!"

Then I started to take off. I took a bunch of turns and ran.I ended up near the other ally near my house.I turned to go to my house and I was grabbed.


Author's Note:Ooo Shocking?Grabbed. Fight. This is unbelieveable right?Wow


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