Litte Note

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Hey guys can you vote me Female 2O12 I have been losing by lots oh and if you want me to read your books leave a message or for a dedication. Please vite Ill die for you :) tootalooo keep reading..

Just to catch you up and make sure of it!

Hey guys. Im probably gonna thank you a million times. But for now. Thanks! I wouldnt be here without you guys! Thanks Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Gosh. Im sorry but thanks! You guys are the best! If your readding this send me a message Ill read your book! Lets see how many message me!! Lets see the nice patient ones! You guys rock ciao!!

Thank youvall for being here! This is They way life is 2 Ally is now pregnant with Jeremy's Son. Simona thinks about having an adoption snd giving her baby away. Does Sierra get pregnant? Again? With Alexs baby or Jeremys or Chases? Does Alex give up on Ally? Does chase try and rape ally? Does Sierra try to kill herself? Does Luke marry the mystery girl and moveiut? Does Ally move in with Jeremy and get married? Find out now!!

Just for you guys to know:

This is my story and mine only. You cannot copy my book and make ut real! I had a copy cat,but we settled it! No copying! My book!

Now sorry for being rude! Please read my story and vote! Message me chapters to write about! And everyone! I have a million books on my list. I am trying to read everyones! Okay. Read on!!

The Way Life Is (Completed Watty Awards)Where stories live. Discover now