For Babylon to fall

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Mission Report: #14

Title: For Babylon to fall.

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym

Date: Nov 3rd 2014 Age: 26

I’m really getting sick of these things; they want me to explain myself, give them a reason. I don’t have one. Maybe it’s just that I’m tired, I miss being the carefree street rat. Now I kill, I cry, I repeat. Not to mention I have an odd ‘Medical Condition’ that is supposedly incontrollable, incurable. I write down my life on these things, and still I don’t fit the mold I need to go in. I don’t want to be the darkness anymore; I want to find myself out of Babylon.

May 23rd 2014 Age: 26

The past day I have avoided Kat and Bucky, staying mainly in my room watching Shekinah, it seems as though she is figuring out how to not freak out when she goes invisible. I left my sword out of my sheath, I didn’t pick it up, and I didn’t trust myself. I didn’t trust him.  May and Fitz still checked up on me every hour, that and the constant drawing of blood, I felt like some science experiment. I hadn’t gone lava again, though it had only been a couple hours, no one knew what to think. We couldn’t get a hold of Phil; May was furious about that. We didn’t know what to do. Fleet laid by my feet, his ears picked up the footsteps at the end of the hall, ‘Wonder which one their sending now.’ I thought to myself, lo and behold Bucky walked in.

“Why did they send you?” I glared at him with steely eyes, you could tell the tone of my voice starting to heat up with every syllable. He just shrugged of my tone and glared back,

“Maybe because they weren’t willing to sacrifice anyone else to the lion’s den.” It was almost as if he said this to everyone, speaking like he was resting against the doorframe. Almost as though I saw into the future, he rested himself on the doorframe; he looked down at me waiting for a reply.

“Well I’m good so report back to Phil that I’m not combusting any time soon.” I turned my head to watch the screen instead of leaving he pushed himself off the wall,

“Well sorry about that, but the Director isn’t entirely trusting of me right now, so I’ll go relay the message to Kat.” He turned towards the exit with a smirk on his face,

“Hey stop!” He stopped his back was still facing me,

“If you haven’t realized yet, Kat and I have a mutual distaste for each other, and Phil’s the commander of this ship. Also why would you even go close to my file?”  My eyes steeled at him.

“I wanted to find out about the chick that tried to kill Kat, if you didn’t want someone to see the red in your ledger, you would’ve made it a little harder to find. Sweetheart.”  If now was a time to grab my sword I would, But I left it in Phil’s office, trying to calm down.

“If I could’ve buried it any deeper I would have, but your bloodhound of a Girlfriend found it anyways.” I think it’s time to start a new game, Bucky. I watched as the words I said sunk in, His back stiffened, and he turned slowly to meet my glare.

“Now I understand why Kat tried to kill you.”

“Well Maybe I should have kept my sword by my arm.”

“At least you have your arm.”

“At least you have your sanity.”  I lounged forward without thought, and he didn’t even flinch.

“In case you didn’t notice I don’t have my sanity. That was taken along with my arm, a long time ago, and I am just now getting it back.” His voice grew lower and it sharpened more than my swords blade. I stepped away, my breathing grew haggard.

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