Rainbows and Electric currents

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Mission Report: #11

Title: Rainbows and Electric currents

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Oct 10th 2014 Age: 26

If anyone ever tells you to try a Bifrost, just say no. Unless you are part Asgardian then it’s just plain fun.

May 21st 2014 Age: 26

I woke up in a large glistening room, to my left a window that spread from the floor to the ceiling. The entire wall seemed to be made of a gold like substance, though as I walked over I could tell this material was much stronger than any gold on Midgaurd. I didn’t know how long I had been asleep but I knew I probably shouldn’t go out of the room yet. I looked around the room some more. I could see that though it was not a royal room it was exquisitely furnished, though I say this, the only furniture in the room was a twin bed. I turned when I heard someone outside the doorway; I reached my hand back for my sword and grasped its hilt. The door opened and Lady Sif walked in,

“I do not think it would do any good for you to grab that now wise man.” Sif spouted at me as she strolled in, it wasn’t meant unkind all Asgardians sounded mad. I put my sword back in sheath. Loki was parading as Odin; he could also parade as Sif. It was time for a test.

“Has your Sword recovered from being shattered by Lorelie?” If this was Sif she would know Lorelie broke the sword in two, I knew it was a lame test but Loki was in prison at that time.

“Wise man you know she broke the sword in half.” This was Sif, Phil had said she was a great ally I agreed with him after reading the reports on her.

“How long have I been here? And where exactly am I?” I stared at her in confusion and dread if she knew I was here, and Heimdall told someone to bring me here, then Loki knew also. She gazed at me then walked over to the windows still looking at me.

“I would think you knew Asgard when you saw it.” She smirked this was not a smirk like Loki’s, but not quite like Phil’s either. She looked out the window,

“Heimdall said to bring you here in secret, though I cannot tell why. You are in the west outer wing of the palace, Thor brought you here. He said to wake you and show you around Asgard.” With that she turned around to face me before walking out the door, I assumed I was to follow her so after a moment’s hesitation I ran out into the corridor. I had to sprint to be able to stand next to her, when I finally caught up she asked me about myself.

“Well, I was trained by ‘Phillip Son of Coul’ dissected on by Loki, and brought through the Rainbow light by Heimdall.” She flinched as I mentioned Loki.

“And you are positive it was Loki? We believed he died in battle.” Yeah so did we.

“I think so, it sure looked like him. So unless there is another trickery wielding man with a green and gold suit it was him.” We rounded a bend and I could see a dome and Bridge in the distance, the bridge had lights of all colors running through it.

“Where are we going?” I asked her, if we were going to the dome we still had a ways to walk, though eerily enough I didn’t feel tired in the least.

“We are going to visit Heimdall, Thor thought maybe he could answer some questions for you. By walking there I will also give you a tour of Asgard.” Makes sense, though I had some questions for her too. She was smiling as we talked, and boy did we talk. She was curious as to what we had learned about technology. She also asked about Fitz she seemed to have a soft spot for him, I told her the truth he was good. We were almost to the bridge when she startled me with a statement,

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