Edge of my Life.

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Mission Report: #13

Title: Edge of my Life

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Oct 30th 2014 Age: 26

Ever had someone play with your mind? Take you out a shove something else in? Make you reach your breaking point, all because of a word someone said? My case is more mild than some, but even in those moments you wish for sanity.

Date: May 22nd 2014 Age: 26

I sat in my room, I was supposed to be watching for Shekinah to wake up, but Kat had taken that watch.   Phil had come to me saying he needed to go get recruits from around the world, he was pretty mad about having to fly coach, yeah. Before he left he said to train Shekinah; after we figure out what she is of course, I was supposed to train her much like I was trained, with more survival gear though.  Now all I waited on was Kat bringing the good news that she was awake, he also gave me a password, didn’t know what that was for. He pretty much just gave me a piece of paper and said to type it in, looked kind of sheepish, though it may have just been nerves about flying coach. So here I sit, fingering the paper and watching my computer screen turn to the screen saver.

“Well, got to get it over with.” I mumbled to no one in particular, I went on to SHIELD secure server and typed in the password. On my screen four video feeds came up, two of them where angles of my camp in the woods, one was in my teepee don’t know how he got it there, the last one was mostly black but the right strip of it was what looked to be a room of sorts. I started chuckling to myself as I watched the footage from my first night there, my mouth was constantly moving as I worked. I looked back to the bottom screen that had been black, I watched myself pick it up and turn it to where I was facing, I kept watching that screen trying to remember what I had picked up. After about fifteen minutes I saw my hand cover the camera and pull out a blade, my machete. I ran to the back of my closet and grabbed it; I looked it over for the first time in months, after I saw where the strap would face where I was facing I saw a mis-stitch, looking back at me was a camera. I dropped the machete to my lap a started welling up, Phil had been looking out for me, watching every day to see if I needed help. That thought stopped me in my tracks; if he watched me every day he would have seen the day I found out he was dead. Going out on a limb I called Phil, after about six rings he picked up,

“Yes.”  I sniffed at his voice,

“Hey Phil thanks.” I watched the footage as I talked,

“You watched it.”

“Yeah, how did you get all the cameras there without me knowing?” He started chuckling,

“Well it wasn’t easy, we found your position by the machete, and I had a feeling where you would be.”

“But we had only met the day before.”

“Yeah, but I can get away with just that. We sent out two drones while you were looking for a spot, When you settled so did they, I went in one day while you were hunting to set up the teepee one.”  Sneaky little freak.

“Thanks, it means a lot.” Right then Skye came in,

“Hey can you come back Shekinah’s waking up, hey is that Phil?” I nodded to her and she ripped the phone from my hand and ran out.

“Alright then.” Almost regretting what I had to do next, I walked to the room Shekinah was in. Her eyes started fluttering as she came to.

“What in the world.” She looked kind of like a lost calf; I looked at her and did exactly like I was told, like always.

“Hi, sorry for the trouble in getting you here, we had reason to believe you would explode. We are here to offer you a job with SHIELD.” I gritted my teeth through the fake smile I held, Phil told me to recruit her, give her the same training I did.

Brin's Beginning-Agents of SHIELD FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora