Finding and searching

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Mission Report #5

Title: Meeting my new "Family"

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Sept. 27th 2014. Age: 26

I've seen accusing eyes before, Juvie, Foster house, all looking at me like I had done something wrong. None were more accusing than the eyes I was about to see.

May 15th 2014 Age: 26

I looked up to the plane, "No Bus" I chastised myself, Phil called it a Bus, and I would fit in with them, no disturbances. Phil had recruited me two days ago, debriefed me for four hours on what to expect, what not to mention, and the people I would work with, down to their favorite drink. The list he gave me was extensive, if only I could have a photographic memory, but no. I had tried when I was ten to have one, didn't work I sighed. I went through the list as I walked up to the bus. Simmons and Fitz are scientists, Fitz is in a coma, and they both like tea. Melinda May, I had heard about her, "Don't call her the Calvary whatever you do." Phil told me, I guessed for the same reasons I didn't want to be known as the aftermath. Her favorite drink is unknown, but Phil thinks its Whiskey straight from the bottle. Skye is a hacker Level 1, deleted her favorite drink off the database, and always drinks something different. Ward is hydra; he doesn't get to drink anymore. By this time I am standing at the edge of the tail, Phil is waiting for me to enter. "They will love you, I know it." He says confidently, "Shield agents don't love one another, they tolerate each other." I shot back; He chuckled as we made our way to the lab situated at the back of the garage. It was made of glass, or some substance like it, so I could see the wary looks in everyone's eyes. Phil opened the door and went inside; I followed and attempted to recognize everyone by the pictures Phil gave me. "Team this is Agent..." He paused for a moment as if trying to think of my name, "Brin! That's right Brin. She will be joining the team in wards place." Nobody flinched, Phil continued as if the air hadn't been drained from the room, "I trust her, I trained her, and I think we will all be lucky to have her." The girl from the corner Skye, I think, spoke up "If you trained her, why wasn't she here the past year?"  Phil smiled, "She was on mission from Fury, Something about traveling Europe." The other girl Simmons, I figure, looks me over as if not yet ready to trust me, "I will run the customary tests on you in one hour, once we've all had time to meet you." British twang followed every syllable, Yep that was Simmons. With a quiet nod everyone left the room except Simmons and Phil, "Well I guess we can do that test now." She motioned for me to follow here inside a small room; it had a big mechanical chair inside. "Sit down, I am going to ask you a few questions."

I did as told, "What is your full name?" "Brin Chakkiym." "Have you ever been married?" Really? "No." "Now, what is the difference between an egg and a rock?" Odd question but ok. "Egg is food; Rock is weapon, heat, and pillow." She glanced up for a second then looked back down; it seemed she was reading the results from another person's test. "You are stranded alone on a beach; a box is in the sand, what is in that box?" "Fleet." I said without hesitancy, she looked confused. "He's my dog." Little did she know I had lived through that question.  "Good, Last one, SHIELD is gone, why are you still here?" She looked nervous for this one, frantically checking my readings, seeing if I was lying. "Phil. He is like a father to me." Seeing no fluctuations she relaxed. "Well I guess you're all good to go, my name is Jemma, I think we will be great friends." I smile; at least one person thinks so. I turn the hallway after we finish, bumping right into May. "I know who you are Aftermath" I shudder, if she knows everyone does, now they won't trust me, they can't. "I think Coulson made the right choice with you, Happy to have you aboard." Now I was shocked, Calvary was happy I was there? "Miracles do happen" I mutter to myself, Skye was in her room with a locked door, I didn't want to bother her. I needed to check out all I could on Ward. Locking myself into my room I sat with my computer, "Let's see," WARD, GRANT I typed into the search engine, the computer hummed for a second then showed the results. "Hmm." I thought to myself, He was trained much like I was. I looked through his BIO, it said he was dropped off in a remote location and left to fend for himself. He stole as a means of living, I looked through his inventory. One Tent, One Rifle,Thirteen Knives, "Wait, No it can't be." One Black Lab shot dead at the scene.

I froze, the flashback came crystal clear, *****I stood on the Harbor watching the waves; suddenly I heard a scream. A man, red cap, 6'1", BLACK LAB at his heels. ***** Ward was the reason I was sent to juvie, the reason I was in SHIELD right now. Ward himself gave the description of the camp then told Shield where to find it; they found a dog skeleton inside the tent, black fur surrounding it. I didn't know what to do next, kill Ward for putting me through so much misery, or thanking him for helping me find a home. Phil knocked on my door; I slammed the computer shut and unlocked it. "What's wrong with you?" Phil said, I knew I looked shook up but was it really that bad? "Nothing fatigue" He looked like I just told him Captain America was Chinese, "Fine we will be landing at the Colorado Facility in twenty minutes, we are going to meet a analyst who says she can find the Winter Soldier."  "Ok, Sounds good boss" I smiled cheekily, that old smirk landed on his face; I would never tire of it. He left and I started thinking, my mind racing a mile a minute. Ward put me in SHIELD, we are going to find the winter soldier, Fitz is in a coma (Though I had never seen him) Ward put him there, also I didn't even know we were flying yet, May was a great driver! Oh well I couldn't find the loose ends so I would leave them hanging for a while.

We touched down and opened the brig, facing us stood a mite of a girl. Brownish red hair, Glasses, and at least twelve books in her hand. "Hi" She said overenthusiastically, I hoped this was not our contact. "I can show you where the soldier is now if you'd like" Great, She is the contact, "No" Phil said, "Let's get our stuff off the bus first, thanks though Reanne." Reanne not a bad name, sounded like Ray-anne but I wouldn't judge. I looked at the books in her hands, not really books more like, files "Hey what are in those files?" I asked, "Oh these, They are my theories on the Winter soldier, or Bucky Barnes as I like to call him." She looked love struck, Fine by me at least she wasn't an Asgaurdian freak. We followed her inside, little did we know at the hub Fitz was waking up.

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