Brin's new Beginning

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Mission report: #16

Submitted By: Agent Brin Chakkiym

This is the story of how I died. Coincidentally this is also the beginning of my Disney addiction. This is the reason you have me writing this stuff down, why you come in and ask me if I still want to protect them. The answer will always be yes.


I walked briskly into Phil's office, hoping to not meet anyone in my path. My job was simple today, "Give report, get tea, sleep. Pack." I knocked rapidly on his door, glancing behind me as I stood.

"Come in Chakkiym." I opened the door and slammed it behind me.

"I uh, need to ask you something." I shifted my weight nervously; Phil looked up slightly puzzlement on his face,

"Is it OK if I take Fleet on the mission tomorrow? He is bothering Fitz while he's working, and this one is just info gathering." He sat for a moment processing,

"Sure but you have to clean his doggy bags." I smiled and walked out of the room, we were finally closing in on the leaders and we were closer to shutting down Hydra. The next mission was for a small base that had weapon specs. Easy. Get in, get out. One step closer to ending this feud.


I scanned the Hydra base silently, looking for anything out of place. A cup, a paper folded weird, a person, but there was nothing. Fleet stood next to my leg, knowing that he wasn't to move unless I told him to. "There's nothing. That's not good." I slowly crept in, Phil and Tripp behind me, May and Sky going around back. The base was nothing like the other ones, warehouse yes. People? Strangely no. My gun placed in front of me, Fleet to my side, it felt right. But then the muscles on Fleets back clenched. All at once we had bullets racing towards our faces, and smoke bombs shot off like rotten eggs. My fingers graced the trigger with speed, Fleet pounced with trained accuracy. Where the men came from I will never know, but they were here, and now was the time to protect my team. Phil's arm got graced by bullet as I spun to shoot a man behind me. All of us were on out last clips, well except May. We started gaining on them as May did her punchy-kicky-flying moves.

"Why are they here?" Phil screamed over the sound of breaking bones,

"I am assuming this isn't just a research facility." I shot over sarcastically, the words were barely heard, but were found true. I looked over my left to see how Tripp was fairing, three clips left. Four men fell to my right, they were losing stamina. Fleet barked at a man behind me, two clips left. "Thanks buddy." My head swung around me searching, waiting, something whistled past my ear. Ten feet from my face an explosion rattled my hearing. "Grenades. Why wouldn't there be grenades." I screamed at Phil to get back, May's and my eyes went to the same spot. Twenty feet from her, five feet from me, three feet from Phil. The grenade arched through the air intent on hitting its mark. Phil.

"Not him. Please not him." Before I could think further my feet took me to his side, shoving him from the path. I heard the explosion as it pierced the air, felt a searing pain in my leg, and then my eyes closed off the world. 

Brin's Beginning-Agents of SHIELD Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن