The beginning of a lifetime

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Mission Report #2

Title: The beginning of a Lifetime

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Day: Sept. 25th 2014. Age 26

Here we go again, one more report. They expect me to write at least 95% of my life’s story in these things. Don’t know how I am going to have the sanity for it all! Anyways, Back to my life.

Sept. 15th 2002, Age 14

I sat in the passenger’s seat as we drove along, Watching the scenery go past, apparently we were going to a “Safe House, whatever that means. Something to get me debriefed before going out on a survival test. Phil said it was to test what knowledge I had, and what mindset. I didn’t care as long as it got me away from Juvie, or the foster house. The car stopped and as I looked to my left all I saw was a stone wall. Literally. That’s it, a wall, “Some safe house” I muttered under my breath, Phil however just stood in ruptured silence, Gazing at the stone as if it would suddenly turn us into super heroes. “Stand here.” He said, and then just walked off. I looked back up to the stone, “There must be something!” I thought to myself, then as magically as I had ever dreamed, the rock started to move, revealing a high-tech house. Phil returned and said, “I have a friend who wants to meet you.” I followed him inside, and before we had stepped more than ten feet, a man with an Eye Patch stood in front of us. He looked down at me as though I was a weapon, or asset of some sort. I guess that’s what I was to him, after the initial introduction he left me and Phil alone. Phil then took me to a small room no bigger than an office, it had a clock on the wall and besides the two chairs in the center there was nothing. He motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs, than started giving me a pop-quiz of sorts. Except this type of quiz was all about plants, animals, and shelters, I answered all as best I could. He seemed pleased, then he bent low so his eye’s stood a mere 2” from mine. His voice lowered to a whisper, and his face grew dark and downcast. “What I am going to ask of you is harsh; there is no preparing for it, and no way around it. If you do not want to proceed, I will understand, but I cannot tell you what you must do before you agree. Will you trust me?” Shivers speed up my spine, and then all at once as though someone else was speaking for me, and giving me courage I said. “Yes.” It looked as though someone had just given him a lifelong friend back. “Great! It will be hard though, we leave at dawn to take you to the training facility. I will give you all I can, to help. But the supply is very limited, and the terrain rough.” “Sign me up.” I said to him, I slow smirk settled on his face. I mean how bad could it be, right?

Fast forward to the next dawn, and we pull up in “Lola” to a forest. I step out and feel the leaves crunching underfoot. I wore a pair of jeans, long sleeved shirt, and leather jacket Phil had brought earlier that morning. 

As I walked to stand with Phil in front of the car, I knew exactly what he was asking me to do. “I’m Sorry” He started, “It’s the only way, I have all I can give you, One Machete.” I grabbed it from his hand, it really wasn’t all he had given me, new clothes, machete in harness, not to mention my freedom. “How long?” I said in whispered breath, “I don’t know at least one winter.” Fine, I can do that, maybe. “I shouldn’t, I know that. But I talked to Fury; He said I could give you a buddy.” He whistled and a yellow lab bounded from the back seat of Lola. I didn’t know who Fury was, but I was glad he gave me a dog. “His name is Fleet, take care of him; he will take care of you.” Then he pulled away, a sad look on his face. 

“Well Fleet, Looks like we have to make this work now. Make a shelter first.”

Then we worked. I don’t know how long, it is crazy how fast you lose track of time out there. We found a good shelter, three fallen tree’s making a nest of sorts, I started pulling sticks and leaves, bark, anything I could find. We holed up in a sturdily built teepee against the south side of the tree. No wind came through, it was just big enough for one girl, a dog, and a fire. With a hole in the top so smoke could go out we slept. Morning came, and with it a new set of challenges. We needed water, food, and a place we could get both easily. We had lucked out yesterday, found a leaf with a water basin in it. Today would be different; we needed something that would last through winter, and through summer. Me and Fleet walked for about fifteen minutes until we found the river that had kept me awake all night, fresh water, and a good supply of it too. I would last through winter by breaking holes in it or melting the ice. When the rains came in spring it was far enough away from camp that the water wouldn’t raise. We backtracked awhile till we found a meadow, perfect hunting grounds. I made a Spear with the machete, and wrapped grass strands around it so it would rest on my back. All the time doing this I talked to Fleet, feeling like silence would be defeating, I would talk. About what we saw, or did, anything. This went on for weeks, (at least I think it was weeks). Along the way I killed two deer, fished, and made more weapons. The deerskins I would tan, and put them on the walls of out teepee for warmth, we ate the meat, any leftover bones or entrails were put a good distance away from the camp to deter bears. After that first month or so I forgot to talk, Me and Fleet communicated with short whistles or barks, no need to talk anymore. It came to the point in the camp that you couldn’t see the teepee unless you were trained to look, all excess food was disposed of, and we only lacked if we didn’t work. The winter came, we didn’t think twice, life was good. 

After three winters at our camp, a red car pulled up half a mile west of camp, Fleet alerted me with a series of grunts. We holed up, all evidence of our existence erased. The person started walking out of his car, looking for something, he saw the deer carcass swinging from a low branch in front of the camp, I had been almost done skinning it. As he drew closer I could see a suit, he was upon us in minutes. I stepped out of the teepee and gave him a start. “I knew you could do it.” Phil said his very same smirk sat on his face. “What next Chief?” I said smugly. “Well, I’m here to enlist you in an agency called SHIELD.” I followed him to the car, he abruptly stopped in front of the hood. “There is one thing though.” That look of concern etched in his face, “The dog can’t join SHIELD.” I looked down at Fleet, the only one I had been around for years. “No. I am with him to the end of the line. No exceptions.” He smiled and hopped in the car, what had just happened? I got into the passenger’s seat after letting Fleet in the back. “Was that a test?” I asked. He looked at me, “Yes, and you passed.”

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