The name that started

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Mission report #3

Title: Winter in Budapest

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Sept. 26th 2014, Age 26

I guess It’s time to tell you about my name, no, the other one. Aftermath. How I got it was unforgettable, and even so I longed to forget.

July 16th, 2008, Age 20. Budapest.

I stepped off the plane and headed to customs, "Budepest is beautiful this time of year" The man said as he handed back me passport, "Yes But I always bring an umbrella." He smiled and winked at me.  The past six years Phil had taught me much, including rule number seven, “If you are ever in a foreign country under alias use an accent” this explained the British twang I possessed now, I was here to check out an 0-8-4, simple procedure. No hassle, get in, get out, if it’s needed take it with me. I looked up the street I was walking down, Four blocks to location. I looked out to my breath winter made it freeze in midair, Three blocks. I knew what I had to do, Romanova and Barton were supposed to be here also, other Op. I saw something flash out of the corner of my eye. I felt a prick on my neck then all was Black.

I groggily sat up, Phil would chew me out for this.  I was tied up, they over took me at an alley way two streets before location. All I could see now was burlap, “What is so important?” I thought then instantly regretted it, 0-8-4’s were always important. “Remember” Phil’s voce rang in my head, “they look at you as young, and weak. Use that, you always go as an analyst, not a combat unit”.

“Set her here” I hear a voice say, I’m shoved into a char as the bag is ripped off my head. One singular light above my head burns my eyes, always one light. I look around and see two men, 9ml pistols at their sides. “What are you doing here?” the taller one asked, “Sightseeing” I smirked a punch to the stomach was his reply. “I know you work for shield, what are you looking for here” They kidnap me then ask this wow. “I’m an analyst, I came to check on a companion”

“Yeah right, and I am iron man” He scoffed; all of a sudden he grew silent, looked almost nervous. Then he left. A man suddenly approached from behind me, brown hair, mask, metal arm. After him came a suited man, “We are going to let you go, after you tell us why you are here”

“I don’t suppose you would believe I was sightseeing?” The suited man nods at metal arm, who in turn grabs the back of my head in a vice grip. “Now I’m going to ask you again, why do you want this?” He pointed to a Sword of sorts, engraved on it was writing of some kind, the sword was embeded into the wall. It was the first time I had seen it, “Routine op.” I said casually, I expected the blow, but with a metal arm it hurts worse. I spit blood on the ground. “No more games“ Every time I would say something the arm would pound me down, I sat in that chair for seven hours, The clock on the wall said it was 2:03am I had my Jaw cracked, fingers broken, cut's everywhere, and ribs smashed into a thousand peices. "Now One more thing before you die." I looked at the man interagating me, I gave him nothing. "I hope Phil won't be too dissapointed." I thought, just then a buzzer sounded, the man in the suit nodded once more to Mr. Metal, when Metal Man left, the guy in the suit continued. “Now where were we?” I took that moment to release my arms from their bondages and punch suity in the face. Immediately he was unconscious, I grabbed the sword, “Hmm” I thought it was extremely light, never mind though. I crossed the corridor, "The monastery" the location I had been searching for, "Why on earth would they take me here?" Just then I turned the corner and found multiple guards; I don’t know what I did, But sword in hand I killed them all... Now covered in blood all I could think to do was leave, sadly that would not be, every turn brought at least twelve guards. Each one fell, with each fall my heart broke at what I was doing. I finally found the alley where it all began. In my wake hundreds of fallen men, with the sword on my back I went back to the airport. Thankful I hadn’t met metal arm. My Shield badge and the agent at customs helped to get on the plane with a sword. I sat in the plane waiting for takeoff, I looked to my left at a toddler who had a plastic sword in hand. He saw me stash the 0-8-4 and held out his sword also, "No you keep it." He tucked the sorwd into his shirt, and fell asleep, I thought I would follow his lead.

After I returned to the hub, I asked Phil about the sword and the man with the metal arm. “Well, the man’s name was the Winter soldier, Hydra assain, more of a ghost. I think, no one has seen him in years. As for the sword It’s called the sword of choice.” At my clear disbelief he continued, “Legend has it the sword chooses its owner, anyone else can’t pick it up, like mjolnir” At that moment he reached for the sword from where I had left it on the table. He pulled but it seemed to not budge, “Would you mind Picking it up for me and carrying it to the hold?” He smirked,  “How was it found?” I asked him as we walked, “Well, We got a call about a monastery that found it in a wall; we didn’t know what to think so we sent you. You proved you would come back to us, Not let anything stand in your way.” I looked content on the outside, on the inside I was in turmoil hundreds dead because of me. we locked the sword in a vault under the hub, “You know I think we might have to change your name in the Aftermath of this.”

After that it’s all people would call me, they seemed proud somehow, like I had done a great service. It went on like this for years, every mission I went on, every person I killed, people would cheer for the Aftermath. I felt pity for myself, like I should be a criminal more than a hero. As sudden as it started, I hardened. I didn’t allow myself to feel, I kept doing as I was told no matter what was in the way, and I regretted myself for it. It all changed before the battle of New York, That’s when my life crashed down again. That’s when my shell started to crack.'

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