Introduction to Battles 101

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Mission Report #8

Title: Introduction to Battles 101

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym the Aftermath

Date: Oct. 1st  2014 Age: 26

I don't know how but every time I was in danger my sword would vibrate, if I didn't have my sword my wrist would shake.

Date: May 17th 2014 Age: 26

"Have I mentioned I hate tests?" I asked Simmons who was giving me yet another one, "I have to figure out what has happened to you." She said it like it was a mysterious disease. "What is so hard to figure out? I don't mean to sound rude, but Loki put a piece of metal in my arm and now I'm strong. It doesn't seem too hard to figure out."  I was exasperated, one more test and Simmons would find her needles in the ceiling. "I need to know all I can before Fitz get's back." Fitz was coming back? When? As if sensing my question she answered "He is coming back in two days." "I'm happy for you." "Thanks! I know you will like him a lot." Phil came in just then holding a cup of African tea, he set it beside me then spoke almost as if the words pained him to get out, "I ah, need to talk with you and um, 'Reanne'. " I was confused did he just use quotation marks on her name? "Uh, get ready then I want to talk for a few minutes alone before we go out to see her." He almost ran out the door, "Wow" I said out loud, freaking out right here. I tried to take a sip of the tea but it burnt my lip, "Well, I guess I will get ready first then." I said to no one in particular, Simmons had stepped out when Phil came in saying something about getting Fitz's bunk ready or something like that. I Walked to my room and exchanged the sweat pants for leather skinny jeans, tank top, and leather jacket. I made the jacket, in its secret compartments I hide five of my thirteen knives the rest where hidden in various places. I grabbed two grenades (Which attached to my hip) it brought the same thing as my name, and my sword in sheath that swung on my back. When I was done the tea had cooled enough for me to drink, "Phil Remembers." I said in memory, when I was in the woods I had made a 'brew' from leaves, after I got back to SHIELD Phil introduced me to African red tea. It tasted the exact same. As I walked out tea in hand, I ran into Phil. "IjustwantedtotellyouthatReanneisundercoverandshe'sactuallytheBlackWolf." I stared at him; Took a breath looked straight in his eyes and said, "What?" He still looked scared as if he had brought two opposing forces together. "Never mind." He said "Let me just show you."

 I walked into the conference room and there sat

 "Reanne?"  the girl looked annoyed

 "No sweetheart, it's actually Katalia."

I looked at Phil; I guess he did bring two opposing forces together.

 "Oh don't you dare sweetheart me again or I will Blow you to Asgard."

 I started fuming when she said that to me. She looked sassy,

 "Please, I can hold my own with the Avengers; I'd like to see you try Sweetheart."  Really, you think you're so special.

"Oh sweetie pie, Loki needed meto take over the world, have fun with your delusions." I watched her slowly stand up, and take a step forward, I start reaching for my Sword as my brain screams no. Phil stands in front of Katalia.  "Kat, Just think about it." I am thanking Phil in my head, no more bloodshed; Katalia looks about ready to explode.

 "Think about it? THINK ABOUT IT?? She just INSULTED me, and you think I'm just going to stand here and take it?! I took things from people for seventy years of my life Phil!"  Seventy? That's like Cap standards.

  "I'm not going to let some brat come in here and insult me and my team, and let her get away with it. EVER!" Hold the phone; she has a team what team? And did she call me a Brat oh no get ready.

"A Brat?! You dare come in here call me a brat, act like I'm some helpless child, and then yell the man who saved my life? You better hope you have sword proof armor my Dear."

My hand had started to unsheathe my sword; Katalia grabs a knife and gun.  She starts yelling again,

" YOUR life? When did he save your life? I never heard that story. I heard the story where he saved my life though, even when he wasn't supposed to. You're not allowed to act like he's some special figure in your life, because you're not the only person he's saved. And Yes. You are a little brat, and I do believe you might be helpless. You don't look like much anyway, and all you have to protect you is a sword? That's cute." She smirked so evilly I thought she was Loki, A flashback burst into my head. Loki, Wrist, Sword. My wrist was on fire, the sword in my hand started vibrating.  She pulled a lighter out from her belt, I screamed,

"If you DARE call me helpless again I will sever your head from your shoulders, and don't come crying to me about Phil rescuing you're Prissy, stuck up self, when he was given orders silence your spewing. Oh, and when Phil was saving my butt, you were holding your head in your hands crying for HYDRA, and your lost love."  I started swinging my sword around and grabbed a grenade to end this madness. You should have seen the look on her face, fire etched in her features.

"Don't you EVER say ANYTHING about Bucky to me. You don't know what we went through together, You don't know what I went through in Hydra. You don't know anything about me, or Bucky, and if you ever mention him to me again in that way, I WILL kill you in all the ways Hydra taught me. We went through a living nightmare in there, and you think you can walk in here and throw it around like it's no big deal? Because it is a VERY BIG deal, I'd like to put you in Hydra, and see how well YOU walk out of there, because that place ruined my life, and it ruined his. So don't you ever mention him to me again. Because I will kill for him." Her muscles could be seen as they tightened around her knife,  Wow touchy subject I will remember that.

"Call me when you have a Sword shoved down your arm, while you were playing analyst I was working out ways to save the world, again. Don't come in here enraged about your life and all you've been through when you don't even know the half of it. Your so called best friend and hero, beat me for seven hours, I left not knowing if I would survive the plane ride home, the only reason I am still alive is because he was called out to kill someone else before he could finish the job. You say Hydra taught you both, then I bet you would have done the same thing to me and Phil. Don't tell me about how Phil saved your life when you would have ended his." My nostrils where flaring, I almost pulled the pin on the grenade. I looked at her for signs of movement, I heard steps coming down the hall, if anyone came in I knew I would kill them.  Katalia leap in the air knife ready. Just then the door opened with Simmons coming through. "Hey Guys! Fitz is on the phone..... What's going on?" My hand unclenches the sword as I put it back in my sheath, Katalia lands still in attack mode. I hear a voice coming through the phone "What's happening Jemma? I can't see anything!" Phil stands from where he was hiding behind the table, he speaks up, " Nothing but a friendly introduction." Jemma doesn't look convinced, "Friendly? Tallia was about to kill Brin. I don't call that friendly sir." I Know I have to get out of here fast, I ran past Simmons "Say Hi to Fitzs for me."  As I leave I can hear Katalia muttering about me in Russian

"Это маленький брат лучше держаться от меня подальше и Баки, если она знает, Что хорошо для нее" (That little brat better stay away from me and bucky if she knows whats good for her)

Really? Freak, Bet she didn't know I spoke Russian.  

"Спасибо за предупреждение" (Thanks for the warning) I say back, I'm behind the door but I can still see her face.

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